Seeds, why are they super healthy?

Seeds contain all kinds of important omega-3 fatty acids. Like nuts, seeds contain many healthy simple fats, vitamin E and fiber. There are a large number of different types of seeds, each with specific health characteristics. Seeds can strengthen your health in a normal way, but you can also use them medicinally. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.

Seeds are good for the heart

Preventing cardiovascular disease /ARTICLE] is mainly done with [ARTICLE=103718]nuts and seeds. Linseed, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds in particular are very good for the heart. They ensure that cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels do not have a chance to form. In this way, high blood pressure is prevented and there is a smaller chance of clots breaking away in the coronary artery, which can then cause a heart attack or stroke.Source: GerFes, Wikimedia Commons (Public domain)

Each seed and kernel has specific medicinal properties

Seeds contain healthy proteins, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Some seeds have specific medicinal properties. Sesame seeds stimulate the liver. If your liver is overloaded by eating too many fats, sugars or drinking too much alcohol, stopping these harmful products plus eating sesame seeds can make the liver healthy again. Flaxseed contains a lot of fiber and is therefore good for your figure and to prevent or worsen type 2 diabetes.

Hemp seed

Lately, hemp seed has been discovered as a superfood. Hemp seeds do not have a narcotic effect like the tops of the hemp plant. Hemp seeds are used in all kinds of cookies and cakes and you can put the loose seeds on salads. Hemp seed is medicinal against cardiovascular disease, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and various forms of cancer. Hemp seed contains omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. It contains Gamma-linolenic acid, which is also found in sunflower seed oil and sesame oil. This is an omega 6 fatty acid that slightly dilates the blood vessels and inhibits high blood pressure. It also works against thrombosis and cholesterol formation.

Seeds and obesity

Seeds and nuts are often mentioned in the same breath. They are similar in nutritional value, but seeds are often a lot smaller. Seeds and nuts satisfy the feeling of hunger very well due to the simple fats they contain. You have less need to eat other things. That’s one reason you can lose weight with seeds and nuts. In addition, they contain fiber, which makes the rest of the food better digested and ingredients are absorbed into your blood more gradually. Feelings of hunger can be triggered because the body signals a nutrient deficiency. Some people with obesity actually have a mineral deficiency, which causes the body to demand more nutrition. Seeds and kernels contain so many nutrients that the body will not quickly ask for more food and will stimulate a feeling of hunger. The high healthy fat value, fiber and good nutrition work together to prevent obesity. Scientific research from various countries has found that eating 40 to 50 grams of seeds or nuts per day or every other day causes weight loss.

10 healthy seeds

  • hemp seed,
  • Hemp seed / Source: Public domain, Wikimedia Commons (PD)

Flax seed,

  • Sesame seed,
  • pumpkin seed,
  • sunflower seeds,
  • Mustard seed,
  • pine nuts,
  • poppy seeds,
  • chia seeds,
  • Papaya seed.


Chia seeds

Chia seeds have not yet really penetrated European cuisine. It is now for sale in organic stores in the Netherlands. It is originally a food of the Mayans and Aztecs. This seed is especially popular in Mexico and the US. It is very healthy. The seed is eaten in various ways. One of them is as a sprout. It is also used in porridges and soups. In addition, chia seeds are added to the drinking water in a jug. In Mexico, this seed is often found in bread, cakes and cookies.

Seed eating tips

You can put seeds over a green salad. You can also put them in oatmeal. Do not use sharp-tasting seeds such as mustard seeds, but rather sunflower seeds. You can easily mix seeds into a pasta meal with mushrooms and Dutch cheese. Mixing in a tablespoon of linseed tastes very good. By the way, you can buy linseed not only in whole form, but also pounded or broken. The body can absorb nutrients from crushed linseed more efficiently. However, many nutrients are lost due to the long storage of pounded linseed. For this reason, it is better to pound seeds yourself in a separate mortar in which you only process kernels and seeds.

read more

  • The healing power of lovage
  • The medicinal power of legumes
  • The medicinal power of endive
  • The healing power of green beans

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