Multiple Sclerosis: Symptoms, Causes and Early Signs of MS

What actually is Multiple Sclerosis or MS? How do you know if you might have MS or not? What are the early signs, signs and symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis? What causes this serious disease, how common is it and how likely are you to get it? Read more about this autoimmune disease here and learn how to recognize the signs in yourself and others.

What kind of disease is Multiple Sclerosis or MS?

Multiple sclerosis, also spelled multiple sclerosis and often colloquially abbreviated to MS, is a progressive autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. This condition causes inflammation in the spinal cord and brain, leaving scarring when the inflammation heals. Due to this scar tissue and the gradual disappearance of the protective myelin around the nerve cells, patients slowly develop more and more physical and mental complaints. This is permanent damage, because the nervous system cannot fully repair itself. Patients often end up in a wheelchair and increasingly develop cognitive complaints.

What are the causes of MS?

It is currently believed that MS is an autoimmune disease in which your own body attacks itself and damages its own immune system. However, there are also researchers who believe in a genetic origin of the disease in which environmental factors also play a role. Some believe that a virus is the cause and there has also been evidence that certain genes linked to the functioning of the immune system play a role in whether or not the disease manifests itself. Yet in identical twins, the other half only has a 3% chance of developing MS.

What are the main signs and symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis?

The following complaints occur, but all complaints depend on where exactly the foci of inflammation are located in the body in a specific patient and the complaints can also differ per person:

  • Severe fatigue (both physical, mental and muscle related)
  • Vision problems (blurred vision, double vision, seeing strange colors)
  • Muscle weakness and pain in muscles and limbs
  • Difficulty walking or sagging in your legs
  • Vibrations such as an intention tremor or muscle contractions
  • Nerve pain such as tingling, pins and needles, a disturbance in the pain experience
  • Concentration and memory disorders
  • Problems speaking and coming up with words
  • Blockage of the intestines or problems with urination


How common is MS and who is most likely to develop Multiple Sclerosis?

In our country, approximately one in a thousand people develop MS and the first signs of the disease are usually visible from the age of 16-18. The condition is more common in women than in men and there appears to be a correlation with the living environment. Multiple Sclerosis is more common in colder and relatively wet countries than in drier, warmer countries. The severity of the disease symptoms and the speed at which the disease develops differ from person to person, as do the signs and symptoms that accompany it and are very diverse in nature.

What are early signs that may indicate MS?

Visual disturbances are often a first sign of Multiple Sclerosis, but they are often temporary. Blurred vision, color vision disorders and double vision occur. Weakness of the muscles, especially of the legs, as well as extreme fatigue occur in the early stages of the disease. People also often complain of a numb or tingling feeling in their arms or legs and they become mentally tired more quickly than other people of their age. Problems with concentration, memory, anxiety and depression are more common than average in young MS patients.

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