Tired, listless and irritable: am I depressed?

Do you ever feel like you don’t feel like doing anything anymore? The feeling that all you want to do is lie in bed or that all you can do is hang on the couch? Getting up is a huge job and getting to work requires a lot of willpower. You laugh less, your emotions are monotonous and you can hardly enjoy anything anymore. The listless feeling slowly fades away. Day after day you become more and more tired and depressed until the day comes when you really can’t do it anymore: am I depressed now?

Everyone feels a little down sometimes

Not everyone recognizes depression immediately. It is difficult to distinguish early depression from just a lethargic feeling. Even when a tired and sad feeling persists for a longer period of time, it is not always called depression. The cause of a gloomy feeling is often not immediately apparent. Are you irritable because things are not going well at work? Are you feeling less confident because your relationship is not going well? Are you struggling with an illness or are you stressed due to money problems? Often different causes are intertwined and the real cause of a gloomy feeling cannot be immediately identified. Every person struggles with various setbacks in life. A gloomy, irritable and listless feeling is just part of it.

When are you depressed?

It is not always possible to say with great certainty when someone is depressed. The long history of constant stress ensures that you can end up in a negative spiral. Stress causes a tired body and mind, which in turn can cause you to experience even more stress and then become even more tired. Eventually you can no longer hold on and the breaking point comes. Your mind is spent. When the moment has come when you really can no longer recognize people that they are just depressed.

Stress and depression

When we look at the history of depressed people, we almost always come to the conclusion that one or more stressors were often present in the person’s living environment. As mentioned, this can concern money, relationships or work stressors. Recognizing stress is therefore essential to prevent depression. When one is exposed to stress for a long time, the damage can ultimately be very serious.

People are strong

Not everyone immediately becomes depressed when stressed. People can be remarkably resistant to depression. When you experience a lot of stress, you can keep stress under control using various techniques. Think of denial that you are under a lot of stress and keep going. Think about getting used to your stress source. There are of course also individual differences. One breaks sooner while the other can resist for much longer.

Depression has existed since time immemorial

It seems as if depression is not that old in humans. Lately we hear more and more about depression and other psychological and psychosomatic diseases. However, depression has been around for centuries. According to one estimate, around 350 million people currently suffer from depression. The degree of depression naturally varies per individual. The fact that depression is such a persistent phenomenon can mainly be explained by the way we live. In a society a lot is expected of you. In terms of study, work, relationships, etc. When expectations are not met, this can cause stress, giving rise to possible depression.

A winter depression

There are an incredible number of stressors. In addition to money and work matters, you can also become depressed due to a change in the season. Then think especially of winter depression. Due to the short days with little sunlight and perhaps a life that mainly takes place inside the house, depression increases its chances again. The cause of winter depression is difficult to determine, but it is mainly thought that the often sudden change in your lifestyle is enough reason to generate stress, which can then cause depression.

Depression at work

Work pressure and expectations at work are huge stressors. When a lot is expected, it can increase stress. However, working below your educational level can also be bad for your mental health and increase the risk of depression. Sociologists from the University of Ghent have confirmed this and call this phenomenon overeducation .

Physical complaints and depression

The period preceding a depression often provides enough hints. Physical complaints such as reduced appetite, poor sleep and poor focus can be symptoms of depression. So always keep this in mind. Also listen to other people, your friends and your family. People who know you well often recognize the changes in your mood and your peace of mind. You often don’t even notice the changes. Always seek help from family, friends or professional counselors and open yourself up. Denial of your depression is the rule rather than the exception.

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