What you should pay attention to when you consult a clairvoyant

Nowadays it is almost impossible to ignore the paranormal. Hundreds of clairvoyants, mediums, psychics, tarot readers, numerologists, astrologers and so on offer their services online to help their fellow man in hard times, or to scandalously enrich themselves from the misery of someone else. The big problem is that there is no scientific evidence to confirm or deny their gift. The fact is that if you are considering a consultation, you may be money poorer and not wiser. Here are some things to keep in mind.

Technology versus the spiritual

Paradoxical to the increase in technology in our society, spiritual awareness is also emerging. If you type “clairvoyant” into Google, or any search engine, you will immediately be presented with loads of commercial sites, where you can immediately get consultations. Programs such as “The Sixth Sense” score high viewing figures and books about the paranormal sell like hot cakes.

Commercial sprawl

This is all wonderful, but this proliferation of clairvoyants, tarot readers, astrologers and others involved in the occult sometimes makes it difficult for the layman to see the trees for the forest. If you search further, you will also find reams of blogs in which one clairvoyant is praised by person A and is exposed as a threat by person B. What should you ultimately think?

Own motivation

The first thing you should consider before going to a clairvoyant is your own motivation and your own attitude towards it. Do you just want some entertainment and don’t immediately believe in it, or do you take the advice of a clairvoyant seriously and do you easily live by it? This is very important, since no one has all the wisdom and unfortunately there are many impostors in the world of clairvoyants. Especially when media are involved, such as television, things are easy to manipulate and distort. Let’s not forget that there are also mentalists, or people who train mental magic tricks, which can make them appear as psychics.The big problem is that there is no quality mark and not even scientific evidence or consensus about the existence of a sixth sense. This gives fraudsters the opportunity to continue scamming people out of a lot of money and skeptics the power to continue to label potentially real psychics as fraudsters.However, there are people with good intentions who may be able to do things that will amaze you. The only question is whether they always exploit their gift commercially.

Legally and financially

The only advice one can follow is to find out what the advice of a clairvoyant is worth to you. Also keep in mind that you will not achieve anything legally and that blindly trusting psychics and clairvoyants can sometimes cause more damage than using your own common sense.Most people who consult psychics are usually desperate. Ask yourself whether someone who makes a lot of money out of a person with financial problems can really mean it. Many of the online sites on which mediums, psychics and clairvoyants offer their services are quite expensive. How much per minute do you want to pay?It is logical that clairvoyants also have their costs and cannot work for free, but also remember that you are dealing with a tough business where money is sometimes more central than your problems. Also pay close attention to on-line consultations that take quite a while. The silences for connection will not make you wiser, but the clairvoyant will.So before you start a consultation , consider that what you hear will be well-intentioned in most cases, but that the future is not one hundred percent predictable and that your own attitude is important. If you are so skeptical that you do not believe in clairvoyance, you will not spend money on a consultation, but if you are too lightly religious, you will fall into the trap of a threatener.It is best not to consult the most expensive medium, not to set expectations too high and to keep your own common sense. Also watch what you say. You often say more than you think and then it is easy for a clairvoyant to make you believe that he/she can read you like an open book. You are just one. During a consultation you are not allowed to say more than your name, date of birth and what the problem is about. If the clairvoyant cannot provide advice, he/she is not worth your time and money.If a person can provide so much detail with so little information, then you may be dealing with a real clairvoyant.

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