Crystals and gemstones

Some people think it’s total nonsense, others say it really works. Crystals and gemstones. What does it do for you? Or have you never held a gemstone in your hands? That is of course also possible. But still… you never know. The fact is that thousands of years ago it was known that gemstones had special powers. They were worn as a good luck amulet or used to cure illnesses. Even today, crystals and gemstones are used by therapists to enhance their treatment.

Beautiful, healing and mystical

Sometimes it seems that a long, long time ago they were smarter than we are now in our modern times. Certain herbs or foods are examined and it turns out that the same food was used and applied by the people of that time thousands of years ago. Even then, not everyone believed in the natural medicinal powers of products formed by nature and many women unfortunately experienced this during the witch hunt. This was different with gemstones.Gemstones were worn by kings and princes. A king’s crown was always encrusted with beautiful gemstones. The size and amount of gemstones a noble wore showed how important he was. That gemstones, in addition to being beautiful, were also attributed a medicinal value is evident from the fact that the shamans used them long ago to cure diseases and we also find gemstones in astrology because every zodiac sign / constellation has its own matching gemstone that is or strengthens or harmonizes its powers.

Everything is energy

Man is made of energy. Our body consists of atoms and molecules that have a certain vibration. Our individual organs have different vibrations, so it is not the case that a body has one and the same vibration and that this is just as easy to correct. The same also applies to crystals and gemstones because not only humans consist of energy, all solid matter around us also consists of energy. Sometimes it is difficult to imagine, but even a table leg consists of energy.Crystals and gemstones are created on the surface of our earth. They are pure, they are clean and no processing has been done. They originated from the interior of the earth, which was or is being pushed upwards, because the earth is more than 4 billion years old and that process has been going on all that time. These rocks give off separate or mixed vibrations and because they come directly from the earth they are full of pure energy. We humans can use that energy to restore imbalances in body and/or mind.The differences in rocks, minerals, crystals and gemstones correspond in vibration to the different vibrations that our body emits. This is also the reason that certain crystals or gemstones influence the individual organs. The point is that the vibration level of the stone is equal to that of a certain organ so that, when there is an imbalance in that organ, the energy that the stone gives off can help to restore the imbalance.

The difference in crystals and gemstones in terms of composition:

  • A crystal consists of a single mineral that has a regular-looking appearance.
  • A gemstone can consist of a single mineral but also of several and can therefore have multiple colors and variations. This makes a gemstone extra attractive as a piece of jewelry.

Fortunately, there are people who know everything about crystals and gemstones and also many books that provide descriptions and applications of many different rocks, crystals and gemstones . And yet you are also an important factor when it comes to choosing a particular stone. Your intuition is also an important indicator that you should not underestimate.

Choosing the right stone

If you plan to purchase a beautiful crystal or gemstone, it is important to choose it personally. That is to say: not via the internet. The fact is that it is precisely because of the vibrations emanating from the crystals that your intuition already indicates which stone you should choose. And that simply doesn’t work when you’re looking at a picture on the screen.Once in a crystal shop, it is important to know whether you are looking for a stone for a specific complaint or ailment or because you simply want to pick out a beautiful gem in the form of a bracelet, necklace or pendant for yourself. If you really don’t understand it at all and your feelings don’t cooperate, you can always get advice from the salesperson. But, never underestimate your intuition and always let it take precedence over advice from someone else. And of course it is always useful to first ask which type of stones suit your specific complaint or wish. Then you can attune yourself to those stones.

The healing effect

It is certainly true that the larger a crystal or gemstone is, the broader its effect. If you want to influence a specific space, a larger copy is necessary. For personal use there are bracelets, necklaces, rings and earrings that are worn directly on the skin and can thus have their effect. Small sizes that you can carry in your pocket also work just as well. These are the so-called cuddly stones.Furthermore, a distinction can be made between processed and unprocessed stones. Unprocessed stones are often somewhat rough and random in shape, but you also have very polished stones that have been polished into shape, such as a heart, massage rods, spheres or even a skull. The advantage of polishing is that the colors and inclusions in the stone become much nicer and brighter. Whatever the appearance, it is the inside that matters and that makes a crystal or gemstone a healing object. So it doesn’t matter whether the outside is smooth or rough, large or small.

A few examples


This is a stone that most people are familiar with. It is one of the most common crystals. But that doesn’t mean it’s a simple stone. The amethyst is a powerful and protective stone that soothes, cleanses and heals. Precisely because of its calming and healing effect, amethyst is often used when there are headaches and migraines. It is recommended to place a piece of amethyst under the pillow when going to sleep. This also helps if you have trouble falling asleep (because you keep worrying and worrying) or often suffer from nightmares. Anger, rage and anxiety decrease when you carry amethyst with you and at the same time, amethyst also clears the mind so that you can make and implement decisions more easily. Amethyst is truly a stone to meditate with and also increases any gifts that may be present.

Rose quartz

Another example is rose quartz. Rose quartz is truly a stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. The rose quartz calms, reassures and helps with trauma. Rose quartz can be used when it comes to relationships. It attracts love and restores trust and harmony and frees you from repressed emotions, old pain and sadness. Rose quartz helps you give love, but also restores and strengthens love for yourself. Rose quartz is said to help with chest and lung problems, heals kidneys and adrenal glands and helps against dizziness. Rose quartz is also used for diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and dementia. Wear the rose quartz on a necklace close to your heart or place a piece of rose quartz in the relationship corner of your home.

Rock crystal

Finally, about the rock crystal. Rock crystal is not a very special stone or quartz at first glance because it is completely colorless, but the opposite is true. From white cloud-like to as clear as glass. The clearer the rock crystal, the more powerful (more expensive) it will be. The rock crystal strengthens intuition, increases the ability to concentrate and is in any case a crystal that helps to strengthen and accelerate spiritual development and gifts. Rock crystal helps with balance disorders and dizziness and releases so much energy that, in addition to humans, other crystals and gemstones can also be charged. Rock crystal has a very pure and pure vibration and is often used by therapists to restore the balance between body and mind.There are many different crystals and (semi) precious stones available. For a complete overview you need a crystal guide. These are available at bookstores.

A great diversity of shapes

Crystals are available in various processed and unprocessed forms, such as:

  • Mineral samples. These are crystals or gemstones that are still partly in the rock mass in which they were found.
  • Clusters. These are crystals with a common base. You see this, for example, with amethyst (all dots on one base).
  • Tumbled stones. These are stones that have been tumbled with gravel and have therefore obtained a nice smooth appearance in which the colors also become much stronger. Tumbled stones are usually small in size and relatively cheap to purchase.
  • Some crystals. These can be recognized by their geometric shapes with pointed ends.
  • Cut crystals. These are crystals that come from a large block and can be cut into any shape, such as the aforementioned massage rods, skulls, beautiful round spheres, pendulum, etc.


Gemstone therapy

If you suffer from complaints but have no idea about the use of gemstones, you can also go to a gemstone therapist. Gemstone therapy is an alternative medicine in which a therapist uses gemstones to remove blockages in the body so that energy can flow again. Blockages can cause problems such as: stress, tension, insomnia, lethargy, constipation, digestive complaints and more.

Beware of fake stones

As in any industry, it is also possible in the crystal world to encounter counterfeiting. If you don’t know much about crystals and gemstones, you sometimes can’t tell the difference. The price is an important clue and also the place where you purchase crystals. Do you go to a crystal shop or stand in front of a stall on the market? It is also difficult to determine whether you are dealing with the real thing via the internet. It is therefore preferable to go to a crystal shop and possibly to several different ones so that you get a better understanding of it. Especially if you want to purchase an expensive copy. Then you have more certainty that you will not be fobbed off with an expensive piece of colored glass.

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