The healing power of Guava

Guava is a green, tropical fruit with pink flesh and many seeds. It is a delicious fruit for juices. You can eat this unique-tasting fruit straight away; You can simply swallow the seeds. The flesh is not firm but a kind of pulp. It can be processed well into juices and jams. The guava fruit is very healthy. It has all kinds of medicinal uses. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.


  • Guava is rich in vitamin C
  • Vitamins in guava
  • Minerals in guava
  • Phytonutrients in guava
  • Guava for digestion
  • Guava against colds and coughs
  • Guava for the skin
  • Guava against high blood pressure
  • Guava against prostate cancer
  • Even more medicinal uses
  • Guava eating tips


Guava is rich in vitamin C

100 grams of guava contains no less than 396% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of vitamin C. That is a particularly high number. The bottom line is that 4 guavas are enough for 1 gram of vitamin C. In addition, guava contains all kinds of substances that enhance vitamin C’s effectiveness.

Vitamins in guava

As far as other vitamins are concerned, guava is well endowed. One ounce of guava contains 21% of the RDA for vitamin A. For folic acid or vitamin B11, it contains 12.5%. It contains 9% of the RDA of vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid. Pirydoxine or B6 is represented in the guava with 8.5% of the RDI. Vitamin B3, also called niacin, is abundantly present at 7% of the RDI. The juicy guava flesh contains 5.5% of the RDA of vitamin B1 or thiamin. Vitamin E does well at 5%. There are more vitamins in guava, but they all have percentages of 3% or less.

Minerals in guava

The percentages for minerals in guava are not as spectacular as those for vitamins. The tropical, pink fruit accounts for 9% of the RDA of potassium. This makes guava an excellent source of potassium. This fruit also contains manganese (6.5% RDA), magnesium (5.5% RDA) and 3% of the RDA for iron. The other minerals all have percentages lower than 3%.

Phytonutrients in guava

In terms of phytochemicals, the guava contains carotenoids and polyphenols that are valuable to humans. The polyphenols in guava have a particularly positive effect on vision. Moreover, they can also fight cancer; Breast cancer and skin cancer in particular are prevented by the carotenoids and polyphenols.

Guava for digestion

Guava is good for digestion. Both diarrhea and constipation are resolved by guava. Diarrhea decreases because guava contains a lot of potassium. Constipation is prevented because the guava contains a lot of fiber. For this reason, guava works well against gastroenteritis.Botanical drawing guava / Source: Francisco Manuel Blanco (OSA), Wikimedia Commons (Public domain)

Guava against colds and coughs

The guava is rich in vitamin C. The guava also contains phytonutrients that have antibacterial effects. A guava is therefore helpful against colds and coughs. The bacteria in the throat are reduced by eating guava. The high vitamin C content ensures that those who regularly eat guavas have less chance of flu and colds. Vitamin C is an important booster for the immune system.

Guava for the skin

The guava is also used to care for the skin. Vitamins are not only good for internal organs but also our largest organ on the outside of the body; the skin. Rubbing parts of the skin with guava makes the skin more elastic. Wrinkle formation is reduced by guava. Vitamins A, B and C in particular provide positive properties for the skin.

Guava against high blood pressure

Like many other fruits and vegetables, guava works well to combat high blood pressure. This is partly due to the high fiber content. The blood does not become too thick and the food is well digested by eating guava. Both of these reasons help to combat high blood pressure.Guava on the tree / Source: Forest & Kim Starr, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-3.0)

Guava against prostate cancer

It contains lycopene, which is used as an additional nutrient against cancer. A guava every day would be especially helpful against prostate cancer. Tomatoes also contain lycopene, but twice as little as guava. When it comes to preventing prostate cancer, you can also eat two tomatoes a day in this case.

Even more medicinal applications

There are many other medicinal uses of guava. In tropical countries such as India, where the guava tree flourishes, the leaves are made into a drink that is good for the gums. In principle, any internal bacterial infection can be treated with guava.

Guava eating tips

A guava is great to use in a fruit smoothie. Mix a banana, guava and an apple together with a cup of water or ice cubes and put it in the blender. The result is a delicious fruit smoothie. The guava is a tasty fruit to start a breakfast or end a lunch with. It can be eaten as a snack; it is more filling than a yogurt drink from the supermarket and is tastier. That’s perhaps the most important thing!

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