Beauty from the kitchen cupboard

Already in grandmother’s time there were several tricks with simple means to take care of yourself. Besides the fact that it is cheap to work with home, garden and kitchen products, it is also a lot of fun! Nine tips to make yourself even more beautiful.

Blond hair

A simple way to lighten your blonde hair is to massage it with a mixture of lemon juice and chamomile tea before sunbathing. To do this, use the juice of a lemon and a cup of very strong chamomile tea. Mix this and distribute it over your hair. The easiest way to do this is to pour the mixture into a spray bottle. This way you can spray it over your hair and reuse what’s left. The chamomile tea also gives blonde hair a nice shine. It also strengthens the hair root and can help with hair loss.


Cleopatra already used this method to soften her skin. While bathing, she poured a generous amount of milk into the bathwater. The milk lays a thin layer over your skin, making it feel silky soft.

Soft lips

Your lips can become very dry, especially in winter. By scrubbing your lips with a somewhat rough object such as a soft toothbrush or the cap of a drinking bottle, you remove the dry skin from your lips. Then apply a thick layer of Vaseline or lip balm to your lips. It is best to do this before going to sleep, so that it can take effect for a sufficient time. The next morning your lips will be completely soft again. Be careful with the sun. You have now removed the old skin, exposing the young, delicate skin to the sunlight. This skin is very thin and can burn easily. There is lip balm with SPF for this.

Radiant face

A classic basic facial mask is yogurt or cottage cheese mixed with honey. This makes your skin soft and hydrated. Make it by mixing two tablespoons of yogurt/curd with one tablespoon of honey. Spread the paste over your face and let it sit for fifteen to twenty minutes. Then rinse it off with lukewarm water.Other ingredients are:

  • Dry skin: banana, avocado, olive oil, oats, mango
  • Oily skin: egg white, lemon juice, tomato, strawberry, carrot, apple, basil, aspirin, cinnamon, mint, rosemary, nutmeg
  • Sensitive skin: cucumber, chamomile
  • Nourishing (not specific to a skin type): peach, milk


Smooth skin

A cheap and natural alternative to exfoliating creams is olive oil mixed with granulated sugar. The small granules will sand away the dead skin layer, revealing new, soft and smooth skin. The coarser the grains, the harder and more thorough the cleaning. Take equal parts of olive oil and sugar, for example a cup of olive oil and a cup of sugar. If you want to scrub your face, it is better to use fine sugar. Granulated sugar is too coarse for delicate facial skin. However, do not scrub this too often, new skin does not need to be scrubbed away. Keep it to once a week. For oilier skin you can do this twice a week.

Nourished hair

Massage two tablespoons of almond or olive oil through your hair, concentrating on the ends, which are the driest. In addition, the hair roots often become greasy quickly, so avoid this. Wrap a towel around your head and let it sit for quite some time, preferably all night. Then rinse it out again and your hair will be nourished and shiny again. You can also spread an egg yolk over your hair. Leave it on for twenty minutes and then rinse well!

Clean skin

You can easily clean your skin with oil. Put a little (olive) oil on a cotton ball and wipe it over your face or eyes.An alternative to tonic/toner is, for example, rose water. Rose water or cold chamomile tea is very mild and caring, can also be used on the eyes to remove excess oil.

Watchful look

Place two spoons in the freezer. Then place the cold spoons with the rounded side (possibly with a tissue in between) on your eyes. This will make the bags less swollen. You can also place two ice cubes in a tissue on your eyes or two cooled bags of chamomile tea.

Chilled skin

If you have suffered a sunburn, you can rub your body with yogurt, let it absorb and rinse with cold to lukewarm water. Cucumber also has a hydrating and cooling effect, especially if you have kept the cucumber in the refrigerator or in the freezer for a short time. Place cold cucumber slices on your skin or make a smooth substance in the blender and use it as a mask or pack.So, now you know how to become a real natural beauty !

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