Dangers of salty food and why is desalting important?

It is an established phenomenon that we often take ready-made meals, because they allow us to quickly eat a hot meal. This also fits in with today’s society, because everything has to be quick and certainly easy. This certainly applies to food. Convenience serves man, but as a result we often consume an abundance of sodium salt. How does eating too much salt affect our body?

Dangers of eating salty food

  • Salt retains moisture
  • An increase in blood pressure
  • Dehydration of the kidneys
  • Which foods should you avoid?
  • What should you take as food?
  • Why is cooking yourself wise?
  • Desalting and dehumidifying


Salt retains moisture

If you drink salt water, you will become extra thirsty, because salt is a dehydrator. The property of the salt, as it were, is that it attracts moisture and dries out the rest of the environment. To supplement this relative fluid deficiency, more fluid must be attracted from food and drinks. Too much salt can therefore lead to dehydration of the body, and it can also lead to swelling of the legs, for example.

An increase in blood pressure

An increase in salt in the body directly causes blood pressure to increase. It causes the body, muscles and blood vessels to cramp, causing the heart to work harder to pump blood properly. Eating too salty will often be accompanied by relatively saturated fats, which also lead to arteriosclerosis. This also results in an increase in blood pressure in the body.

Dehydration of the kidneys

Too much is never good and it causes the kidneys to have a hard time. It dries out the kidneys, which actually makes them work less effectively. The kidneys are partly nestled in the lower back muscles, which are also affected by the cramps. The muscles therefore pull hard on the tissue in the environment, such as muscles, spine and organs. A tense lower back can lead to back pain, but also a tingling right thigh. It therefore causes people to be tense, both physically and mentally, which can lead to depression. Naturally, this in turn means that less healthy food is consumed, which leads to a negative spiral.

Which foods should you avoid?

Canned foods with ready meals have relatively high salt contents, because this is partly to keep the foods in good condition. Meals such as those for the microwave, the ready-made pizza for the oven or the smoked sausage for the kale all have high salt contents. It is often the case that additional salt is added to food to improve the taste. This actually means that we are partly addicted to salty food and that we don’t like unsalted food. But is it really so good to only consume salty food? Avoid pre-prepared meals, because they are far too salty and we therefore ingest too high a dose with all the physical consequences that entails.

What should you take as food?

In itself it is logical to say that you should avoid salty food and therefore do not eat salty food. But for many, that is sooner said than done. We love a nice spicy bite. The salt that is added is always industrially produced and is harmful to the body in several ways. It is made of sodium salt and has a bad effect on the body. For example, potassium salt in combination with magnesium forms a good basis for replacing sodium salts precisely because they:

  • much less blood pressure raising effect;
  • taste the same;
  • significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Positive results have been achieved in Finland for many years, while in our country everything is made with sodium salt. Change by taking less sodium salt and replacing some of it with potassium salt. Please note that withholding sodium salt completely is also not good, this involves limiting this salt and replacing part of it with beneficial salt.

Why is cooking yourself wise?

It is important that you know what you are taking. If you buy individual, complete ingredients yourself, you know exactly what your body is getting. Cooking yourself is beneficial because:

  • on the one hand, you know exactly what you are cooking and can therefore use healthy ingredients;
  • on the other hand, you are not surprised by an excess of salts, but also an excess of other added emulsifiers and preservatives.

By cooking yourself you immediately avoid all those additives that are not good for the body. This way you can put a delicious meal on the table with healthy seasonings and healthy ingredients, so that you consume a healthy amount.

Desalting and dehumidifying

How can you desalt and dehumidify in one go? Then it is necessary to take a natural product. Naturally, limit your salt intake and drink plenty of water and additional nettle tea. The tea has a diuretic effect, in addition to which it also removes undesirables such as toxins and so on. More exercise also improves blood circulation and increases drainage capacity. The decrease in sodium in the body reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, and blood pressure also decreases. Muscle pain in the lower back due to cramped kidneys also decreases. The excess of salt, fluid and lactic acid is removed naturally, so that the body can recover properly with nettle tea.

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