Round, red spots on the skin: do I have sarcoidosis?

Round and red spots can suddenly appear on the skin without any reason. At first nothing seems to be wrong until the spots grow and become larger. The round spots look strange and people start to worry. If more spots appear and they do not disappear on their own, various conditions may be suspected. A condition that is not often thought of is sarcoidosis (also called Besnier-Boeck disease).

Besnier-Boeck disease or Sarcoidosis

There are two names for the same ailment. Sarcoidosis is also called Besnier-Boeck. The disease mainly occurs in the Western world and the distribution between men and women is approximately equal. Little is known about this disease. The exact cause has still not been determined, but research into sarcoidosis continues.

What is sarcoidosis?

The disease is still unknown to many people. What is it actually? Sarcoidosis is a disease in which inflammation occurs in the body. Inflammations can occur especially in the organs. Many inflammatory cells can be found in the organs, which are also called granulomas. It is unclear why your body allows these inflammatory cells to accumulate. The severity of the disease can vary greatly. Some people have little trouble and few symptoms. Other people can become critically ill. Weight loss, extreme fatigue, fever and joint pain may occur. Strange spots can also appear on the body. These red, round and sometimes white spots can be a symptom of Besnier-Boeck disease (sarcoidosis) .

The lungs and sarcoidosis

The disease is often detected by means of a chest x-ray. A chest x-ray is an x-ray of the lungs. Researchers and doctors can view the inside of the lungs using an X-ray. A chest x-ray of a person with sarcoidsis clearly shows that abnormalities have occurred. The focus is mainly on the lymph nodes between the lungs. The lymph nodes will be enlarged. The inflammatory cells can also damage the lungs. A consequence of this damage is that people with sarcoidosis often have very shortness of breath and often cough. The damage to the lungs can be serious in some cases. We speak of pulmonary fibrosis when the lungs do not look good. The lungs are shriveled to some extent and destruction is evident.

Round spots on the skin due to sarcoidosis

In addition to abnormalities in the lungs, strange spots can also appear on the skin. Initially, one does not think of sarcoidosis when studying the sites. An antifungal cream is often prescribed by the doctor. If this does not appear to work, further investigation is required. The spots on the skin are sometimes reminiscent of ringworm. The spots can change color and size. In some cases, the spots become darker as the symptoms worsen.

Extreme fatigue due to sarcoidosis

A symptom of sarcoidosis is extreme fatigue. In some cases this is a huge limitation for the patient. The fatigue may disappear after one or two years. In some cases it takes longer (or shorter). The fatigue may also return or disappear completely.

Suspected cancer and sarcoidosis

Many patients recently diagnosed with sarcoidosis have been diagnosed with the word cancer during the diagnosis process. Sarcoidosis is reminiscent of cancer in certain cases. On a chest x-ray , abnormalities in the lungs can look like lung cancer. Strange spots on the skin can also be associated with skin cancer. A sample of the spot on the skin should provide a definitive answer. In some cases, a bone scan is also performed where abnormalities can be seen. With abnormalities of the skeleton, lungs and lymph nodes, one sometimes thinks too quickly of a type of cancer.

Recovering from Sarcoidosis

You can recover from Sarcoidosis. Some people recover spontaneously. The complaints disappear and people feel healthy again. The strange spots on the skin may disappear and the complaints will not occur. It takes about 1 to 2 years for a full recovery. However, in 10 to 15% of cases, the complaints never go away. In that case it is referred to as chronic sarcoidosis.

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