Dreaming about teeth

Your dreams are like a mirror of your subconscious. It teaches you things that you might not think of at first. What about dreams about teeth?

Dreaming about teeth

You can dream about teeth in many ways, but they often have a number of characteristics in common. Often when you dream about teeth, it is about losing one or more teeth, or the threat of losing one or more teeth. For example, you may dream that your teeth are falling out of your mouth, or that a tooth is loose and you are very afraid that it will become loose. Another characteristic that dreams about teeth share is that they are dreams that often evoke a negative feeling. It brings with it an uneasy feeling of fear, doubt or even anger. Due to the intensity of dreams about teeth, it is important to understand your dream, after all it is your subconscious speaking to you!


Freud was one of the first to attempt to attribute meaning to the experience of dreams. He also had the scoop in trying to understand dreams about teeth. He had given a quite unusual dream interpretation about this. Freud postulated that dreams about teeth, especially teeth falling out, resulted from the need for masturbation during puberty. This may sound very far-fetched or even extremely arbitrary, but this has to do with the era in which Freud lived. So-called hysteria was the order of the day and, Freud thought, your teeth are a reflection and representation of who you are; if you suffered from hysteria you would be afraid that this too would float to the surface.

Dream interpretation

The more contemporary explanation of dreaming about teeth is not consistent with Freud’s. Nowadays other possible causes are being considered that could cause you to dream about teeth. This can roughly be classified as problems or concerns about communication, or problems or concerns about your appearance.

Problems regarding communication

When you think of teeth you immediately think of a mouth, and when you think of a mouth you immediately think of communication. Because of this, it is not entirely coincidental that you dream about teeth when you have concerns about communication. This may be because you find it annoying that you have not spoken to someone in a while, but the cause may also lie in concerns about your own communication. It may be that you have to speak publicly for work soon and are still quite nervous about it. This stress manifests itself in your dreams, where dreaming about teeth symbolizes the fear of being exposed when speaking in public.

Concerns about your appearance

In addition to symbolizing communication, your teeth also symbolize the representation of yourself. It is not rare for menopausal women to worry about whether they are still attractive. These worries manifest themselves in your dreams. If you dream that your teeth are falling out, you should not see this as a direct fear of losing your teeth, but rather the feeling that your appearance is becoming less attractive. Losing your teeth just symbolizes the fear that the things you like about yourself will change.

What does it mean to you?

To get a good idea of what this dream meant to you, it is especially important that you listen carefully to your feelings. Be honest with yourself about what could have caused you to dream about teeth. Are you perhaps nervous about an upcoming moment where you have to speak publicly, or have you perhaps been a bit insecure about your appearance and appearance lately? Dreaming about teeth was probably not a pleasant experience for you, and perhaps even frightening. This makes it important to ask yourself why you dreamed about teeth; you don’t dream it for nothing!

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