The healing power of cashew nuts

Cashew nuts are small nuts that grow on a tropical tree at the bottom of the so-called cashew apple. The cashew apple is not eaten in the Netherlands, but in Brazil it is a delicacy. The cashew nut tree mainly grows in the tropics. Cashew nuts are a tasty and protein-rich snack. You can easily mix cashew nuts into a rice dish. Cashew nuts are multifunctional when it comes to their culinary possibilities. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.


  • Minerals in cashew nuts
  • Vitamins in cashew nuts
  • Good for the heart
  • All nuts are healthy
  • Buyer
  • Magnesium in cashew nuts
  • Against gallstones
  • Eating tips for cashew nuts


Minerals in cashew nuts

Cashew nuts contain a lot of minerals. Two handfuls of cashew nuts can prevent a deficiency of manganese, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium, phosphorus and copper. 100 grams of cashew nuts contain no less than 244% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of the mineral copper. It is not dangerous to eat more than the RDA because these are minimum lower limits; There are maximum upper limits, but you won’t reach that quickly unless you have to eat a few kilos of cashew nuts every day. Phosphorus contains 85% of the RDA. The following are the RDA values of the minerals found in the cashew nut: iron (83.5% RDA), magnesium (73% RDA), manganese (72% RDA), selenium (36% RDA), zinc (52.5% RDA), potassium (14% DV) and calcium (4% DV).Source: Eric Gaba (Sting), Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0)

Vitamins in cashew nuts

In addition to minerals, cashew nuts contain many vitamins. It contains almost all vitamins of the B complex; B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B11. One ounce of nuts contains 35% of the RDA of vitamins B1 and E. Pirydoxine or B6 is also widely represented in cashew nuts; 32% of the RDA. It also contains a lot of vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid, namely 17% of the RDA. It also contains niacin or vitamin B3 (6.5% DV), folic acid or B11 (6% DV), riboflavin or B2 (4.5% DV) and vitamin K (3% DV).

Good for the heart

Cashew nuts contain less fat than other types of nuts. Moreover, 75% of this consists of healthy monounsaturated fatty acids. Three quarters of these unsaturated fats consist of olein, which is also found in olive oil. Olein is good for the heart and blood. It lowers high triglyceride levels in the blood. Increased triglyceride levels are caused, among other things, by the use of medicines. Elevated triglyceride leads to all kinds of cardiovascular diseases. People with diabetes, who have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, are particularly prone to this. That is why it is extra good for them to eat cashew nuts. Cashews help best against cardiovascular disease in a low-fat diet, without sugar and white flour products.

All nuts are healthy

Fats from nuts are healthy fats. Cashew nuts are not only good for the heart because of their olein. Antioxidants contained in cashew nuts provide a positive contribution to the heart. In a scientific study called the Iowa Womean Health Study, it was found that eating nuts or peanut butter once a week reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 11% and eating nuts or peanut butter four times a week was good for a 19% risk reduction. British research found that nuts in general lowered the risk of heart attacks. There have been more studies that saw the same link between eating nuts and a healthy heart.Selenium is a micronutrient that stimulates the body to produce Glutathione peroxidases. That is the strongest antioxidant in our body. 


Copper is an important nutrient that ensures the production of melanin in the skin, development of bones and tendons, better iron absorption and it fights free radicals. Consuming too little copper can lead to anemia, calcified arteries, rheumatism, brain disorders, heart rhythm disorders and greater susceptibility to infectious diseases.Cashew nuts grow at the bottom of the cashew apple / Source: Abhishek Jacob, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0)

Magnesium in cashew nuts

Two-thirds of all magnesium in our body is found in the bones. There is a great emphasis on calcium for the building of bones, but this actually gives an incomplete picture. In addition to calcium, you also need phosphorus and magnesium for bone building. Magnesium makes the nervous system more relaxed. Too little magnesium can overactivate the nerves and this can cause all kinds of muscle contractions, such as in the eyes. Magnesium from cashew nuts prevents headaches, muscle cramps that lead to asthma, muscle cramps in general and it reduces high blood pressure and the risk of a heart attack. Furthermore, sufficient magnesium ensures regular sleep patterns, especially in women after menopause.

Against gallstones

A 20-year study among 80,000 women has concluded that eating 30 grams of nuts or peanuts per week reduces the risk of gallstones by 25%. That’s only 30 cashews! You can easily eat that amount by adding a few cashew nuts to muesli or oatmeal. You can also mix cashews into a salad or eat a few nuts with lunch.Roasting cashew nuts in India / Source: Eric Gaba, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0)

Eating tips for cashew nuts

It is good to put a handful of cashew nuts in a homemade muesli in the morning. Cashew nuts can also be mixed with a rice dish or baked potatoes. You can of course eat cashews straight away. A handful of nuts in between will keep you going for a while. Cashew nut spread is available in organic stores as a topping for bread. You can also make nut burgers with cashew nuts. You pound the cashew nuts in a mortar and mix them with whole wheat flour, cheese and fried onions. If necessary, you can make a nut and seed mix with walnut, linseed, pecan nut and sesame seed. Then you make balls out of it and dip it in whole wheat flour. Now you can bake them, enjoy your meal!

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