What causes a tingling leg?

Having tingling legs makes us feel uncomfortable, in addition to which we can have problems walking. It can manifest itself as itching, acidity, pain, cramps or numbness, resulting in people being constantly distracted by the leg. It can continuously disrupt concentration, causing you to be able to do less. What are the causes of a tingling leg and why is a medical check wise if complaints persist?

Tingling leg

  • Symptoms of tingling leg
  • Wrongly located
  • Hyperventilation
  • Anemia
  • Varicose veins
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Cramped legs and pain radiating
  • Trembling arms and legs
  • Dislocated spinal disc


Symptoms of tingling leg

Having the condition can be very annoying, especially if it occurs chronically, causing difficulty in resting at night. The symptoms of an irritated leg can be very diverse:

  • the itching prevents you from falling asleep;
  • you can walk less well, or the feeling in the leg is different or disappears completely;
  • short-term itching or persistent unexplained tingling.

What can cause these symptoms and what can you do about them?

Wrongly located

You wake up and your leg is asleep. This is because you have been lying incorrectly, causing a vein to be partially blocked. The tingling heavy leg must be given rest. It often helps to hold the leg up at an angle so that blood can flow out of the leg more easily. This way you take the sleep out of the leg so that it is resolved quickly. Please note that you do not walk excessively with a sleeping leg, because the numbness can cause you to make a misstep with more serious consequences.


It can happen to anyone. You are enjoying sports or another activity or your body is in a stressed situation, causing your breathing to be abnormal. You may not realize it quickly, but your body is taking in too much oxygen by inhaling and exhaling too quickly. This condition is called hyperventilation and means that blood must be drawn from other parts of the body to process the oxygen supply. This results in blood draining from the limbs, causing the hands and feet to tingle. A commonly used remedy is breathing into a plastic bag in combination with rest. The body can completely recover in fifteen minutes to half an hour.


A chronic shortage of red blood cells ensures that there is little capacity to absorb oxygen. Anemia or anemia can cause light-headedness, dizziness and tingling in the extremities. This is because blood is taken from the limbs to keep the organs running optimally. Eat lots of green vegetables in combination with meat and liver to increase iron levels. It may be necessary to take folic acid pills to promote the production of red blood cells.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins on the skin are caused by weakened veins. The veins expand and show irregular patterns. Some veins look like they are purple clots. This condition is often not harmful to the body, except that it causes itching. However, the condition is found to be an aesthetic problem, but there are no medications that cure the condition. The effects of varicose veins can be reduced by:

  • strip the varicose veins through surgery;
  • to inject the condition in combination with wearing stockings for a short time;
  • wearing elastic stockings.


Deep vein thrombosis

This condition is life-threatening and is caused by weakened leg veins. The veins in the legs are dilated, causing the vein valves to no longer fit properly and blood to flow back. This causes slow-flowing blood, causing:

  • blood pressure increases;
  • damage to the vessel walls may occur;
  • blood clots in the bloodstream lead to cardiovascular disease.

Due to the slow-flowing blood, fluid is poorly drained, which can cause a thrombosed leg. A side effect is that you can also get brown spots on the skin of the ankle. Having a wound causes a long-term ulcerated thrombosis leg. This itches and irritates, but can also feel painful. Often a combination of a lot of exercise, bandaging the leg with a pressure bandage and medication will remedy the condition. Please note that the recovery will be long. Take into account a recovery period of one month to six months.

Cramped legs and pain radiating

If you exercise a lot, the condition can be caused by lactic acid accumulation. Training too hard ensures that the muscles cannot handle the amount of lactic acid and therefore do not break down and remove enough lactic acid. Tingling or muscle pain in the legs can also occur because pain radiates. Consider, for example, having bladder pain syndrome. This can be so painful that the pain and irritation radiates to the stomach, back and legs. The tingling and general malaise can persist for a long time with this chronic condition. For both conditions, taking nettle tea seems to be a good solution because it counteracts infections and expel fluid containing toxins.

Trembling arms and legs

A low blood glucose level can cause increasingly unpleasant symptoms. The most typical is the shaking of arms and legs, which gives the person a very uncomfortable feeling. The condition is called hypoglycemia and can occur in diabetes patients and people with other conditions. Think of a dysregulated pancreas. The complaints initially occur during heavy exertion, but at a later stage people already suffer from them during light activities.

Dislocated spinal disc

If there is a hernia, a spinal disc has displaced. This can be felt by moving along the vertebra, where there is an unusual elevation that also feels painful. The consequence of a displaced spinal disc is that nerves are compressed. Two conditions can be distinguished:

  • a displaced spinal disc between the first to third vertebrae. This results in tingling or an itchy feeling in the right thigh. The nerves end there in the upper leg, so it feels like there is a spider under the skin. This can itch or even hurt, preventing you from sleeping at night. This condition can be caused by a diet that is too salty in combination with too little fluid intake, which causes cramps in the muscles in the lower back and around the kidneys. Watch what you eat and a regular lower back massage can correct the condition;
  • a displaced spinal disc between the third to fifth vertebrae. This causes a painful lower right leg and a painful cramped lower back, also known as a hernia. This condition normally requires surgical correction;
  • spinal canal stenosis.

It is therefore important for you to know where the displaced spinal disc is located because in the first condition there is no hernia and surgery can therefore be avoided.If you have a chronically persistent tingling in your leg, have yourself examined by a medical specialist to effectively remedy the cause.

read more

  • Numb, stabbing legs or arms: spinal canal stenosis
  • Hamstring injury: severe pain, cramp in the back of the thigh
  • Severe pain at the back of the leg from bottom to heel
  • Painful side of thigh and buttocks: trochanteric inflammation
  • Itchy thigh (left or right) keeps you awake!

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