Tips for sleeping well through nutrition and regularity

We all want to sleep well, but sometimes we just don’t want to sleep for a while. What is that about? Have you ever thought about what you take just before going to sleep? Food and drink have an effect on the resting state of the body. We all know that you shouldn’t drink coffee before going to sleep and that a warm glass of milk can give you a wonderful buzz that will help you sleep well. Yet good sleep also has to do with when you eat what amount of food, but also whether it is spicy or not. What foods and drinks encourage a good night’s sleep?

Tips to sleep well

  • Not sleeping well with alcohol
  • Caffeine, theine and nicotine
  • Natural amino acids
  • Eat in a planned manner
  • Regular sleep
  • Good night!


Not sleeping well with alcohol

Ok, with alcohol you have achieved a nice buzz, which allows you to fall asleep well. But this only lasts three to four hours after which you wake up. The alcohol in the blood:

  • breaks down over time, causing the buzz to disappear. When you wake up, you are immediately wide awake;
  • ensures that the ADH hormone (anti-diuretic hormone) no longer works optimally, causing the kidneys to recycle less fluid.

In other words, the body dries out and the bladder fills up. So you wake up because you have to pee and are thirsty. If you abuse alcohol, you will sleep unsteadily, sweat a lot and have troubled dreams. You will sleep better by avoiding the regular use of alcohol.

Caffeine, theine and nicotine

Too much coffee and tea ensures that organs are stimulated but also that the brain remains sharp. It has an adverse effect on sleep and so it should not be taken too late. Caffeine and theine are the culprits (these are two names for the same substance) and occur in:

  • tea, green tea – 20 to 40 mg per cup;
  • filter, instant coffee and espresso – 45 to 120 mg per cup;
  • cola – 40 mg per can;
  • chocolate milk – 10 to 20 mg per cup;
  • chocolate bar – 200 mg per 100 grams;
  • energy drinks – 100 mg per can.

If you want to drink coffee or tea later in the evening, take the following:

  • caffeine-free coffee – 1 to 5 mg per cup;
  • rooibos tea – 0 mg (also recommended for pregnant women and those with high blood pressure).

Smokers ingest nicotine, which also has a stimulating effect. They usually sleep less soundly and tend to wake up more often. Sometimes nicotine also has a sleep-inducing effect. Of course, it is wise to stop smoking completely.

Natural amino acids

Tryptophan is an important natural amino acid and is essential for body sensations such as:

  • self-confidence and mood;
  • emotions and sexual activity;
  • appetite but also sleep.

If you take one of the following products half an hour before going to sleep, you will receive tryptophan, which will calm your body. Think of:

  • yogurt and milk;
  • dates and bananas;
  • chickpeas, tuna and nut butter.

By taking these products before going to sleep, the body becomes wonderfully calm and a wonderful night’s sleep can begin. In addition to tryptophan, serotonin as found in whole wheat bread and whole wheat crackers is beneficial because it calms you down.

Eat in a planned manner

The sooner you get the nutrients each day, the better. Start with a hearty breakfast to lay the foundation for the day. You supplement this with a slightly less heavy lunch, so that you end up with a light meal in the evening. Because your body gets a lot of energy from food in this way during the day, the body has to do relatively little at night. Going to sleep on a full stomach does not work well, because the body will then extract energy from the food. This gives you a restless feeling, causing you to sleep restlessly. Take the last meal at least three hours before going to sleep. Avoid taking cookies, chips, oily foods and sweets afterward, as this will wake up the body.

Regular sleep

If you lead a busy life, it is all the more important to get a good night’s sleep on a regular basis. One method for this is to go to sleep at regular times. This means that you must apply a concrete regimen to optimize the daily wake-sleep rhythm. Sleep should therefore not make way for just working for a few hours or watching television for longer. Regularity means going to bed at the same time every day to sleep. Turn off the sounds on your mobile phone or apps.

Good night!

The above already indicates that you can sleep well by taking most nutrients in the morning and partly with lunch. A light meal in the evening ensures that the intestines no longer have to work hard. Just before going to sleep you can eat a delicious whole wheat cracker with tuna and wash it down with a glass of warm milk or eat a dish with yogurt and banana to give you a nice sleepy buzz. Good night then!

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