Oregano, a herb with medicinal powers

Oregano is a green herb with a very fine taste. It is native to Northern Europe but has been native to the Mediterranean for at least 2,000 years. Oregano is also called wild marjoram. The plants look very similar and they taste almost the same. In the Netherlands and Belgium, this plant can grow excellently in the herb garden. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.


  • The medicinal herb oregano
  • Lots of antioxidants
  • Good against colon cancer
  • Mountain joy and good cheer
  • Wreath of oregano
  • Eau des carmes
  • In the garden
  • Marjoram in green herbal salt


The medicinal herb oregano

Oregano was actually an exclusive medicinal herb, but nowadays it is mainly used as a culinary herb. The leaves were made into a strong tea that was drunk as a cough syrup. It also helps against toothache and is also a laxative. It stimulates digestion in general and drives away nausea. Research has been done in Mexico on oregano as a medicine against infection with the parasite Giardia lamblia . This showed that oregano was more effective against this parasite than the commonly prescribed drug tinidazole.

Lots of antioxidants

Oregano is packed with phytonutrients. It contains thymol, an acid that is also found in thyme, and rosmarinic acid, which is of course also found in rosemary. These are both substances with an antiseptic effect. It fights harmful bacteria and free radicals. This makes oregano a real boost for your immune system. Antioxidants are found in many fruits and vegetables, but compared to an apple the same weight in oregano is 30 times stronger in its antioxidant effect and 20 times as strong as a potato. Its former status as a medicine is fully confirmed by science.Wild marjoram and oregano are related and taste almost the same. 

Good against colon cancer

There is a lot of manganese and a lot of vitamin K in oregano. 12 Grams of oregano is enough to meet the Recommended Daily Allowance for vitamin K. It also contains the minerals iron and calcium, vitamin E and the amino acid tryptophan. There are also a large amount of fiber in oregano. Products containing fiber stimulate the body to produce bile salts, which significantly reduces the risk of colon cancer.

Mountain joy and good cheer

Oregano has an invigorating effect. Farmers who previously had to work hard, such as bringing in the harvest, ate a meal that contained oregano to better cope with the work. Mountain climbers used oregano to make tiring treks bearable. The popular names welghemoet and bergvreugd remind us of these applications.

Wreath of oregano

This medicinal herb was only later called Oregano, which actually means exactly the same as mountain joy. Oregano comes from the Greek. Oros means mountain and ganos means joy. In ancient Greece and the ancient Roman Empire, a newlywed couple would be given a wreath of oregano. Oregano was widely associated with joy at the time. This made it visible to everyone that they were in an extremely joyful period of their lives.

Eau des carmes

Marjoram has long been used as a stomach remedy. It was prepared in the Carmelite monastery of Paris and was called eau des carmes, Carmelite ash oil. The monks had a patent on this marjoram oil. They made a lot of money from it. Pharmacists were not allowed to make and sell the drug themselves because the monastery had the exclusive right to production with the patent. Louis the 16th changed that in 1791. But the patent would remain until the last monk living in the monastery at that time died. This only became apparent 40 years later. Every year 1000 francs were paid to the pharmaceutical college because the monks did not want to give up the patent.

In the garden

The wild marjoram or oregano is a perennial plant, but the cultivated kitchen marjoram is an annual plant. The one-year variety is more fragrant. Marjoram is dried so that it can also be used in winter. It grows best in a warm spot in the garden and can be sown in May.

Marjoram in green herbal salt

Marjoram or oregano is an excellent herb in green herbal salt. Anyone can make this themselves. You dry the leaves of oregano, thyme, lovage, mint, basil, hyssop and savory. You rub the leaves very finely into a powder. Mix this with the salt and put it in a shaker. It has a very long shelf life. Oregano is an excellent herb to make an herbal oil. You simply steep oregano in a bottle of olive oil. The flavor of oregano is absorbed by the oil. You can then put this over the pizza.

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