Pain in the legs

Leg pain happens to almost everyone at some point. This is often temporary. Anyone who has long-term leg pain should start thinking about an underlying cause. Claudication is common in people with diabetes and smokers. Thrombosis in the leg occurs during pregnancy or after surgery. A vitamin deficiency can also cause leg pain.

What is leg pain?

Pain in the legs is common: almost everyone will experience this at some point. The pain can be felt in the upper leg, lower leg or in the entire leg. Pain in the legs only refers to the leg and not the knee or foot. Although these also belong to the leg, only pain in the lower leg or upper leg is discussed here. For more information about pain elsewhere in the leg:

  • Knee and disorders
  • Pain in the heel or heel
  • Pain in the groin
  • Crack between the toes


Display legs

Peripheral arterial disease, or claudication, is common in smokers and people with diabetes. But non-smokers or people without diabetes can also get claudication, but the chance is smaller. Claudication is the most common cause of leg pain.Showing legs causes a painful and tired feeling in the legs. This is caused by a narrowing or blockage of an artery in the legs or an artery to the leg. This narrowing or closure is caused by calcification of the vein wall or by fatty deposits against the vein wall. This causes less blood to flow through the address. When walking or running, the legs need more blood to supply the muscles with oxygen. A lack of oxygen creates a painful and tired feeling. After standing or sitting quietly for a while, the pain disappears again.In the initial phase there is mainly a tired feeling in the legs, later also pain while walking. The pain will occur more often when walking short distances. When the vessels are severely narrowed, pain also occurs during rest. In this case, there will be insufficient blood flow in the legs, which can ultimately lead to gangrene.Quitting smoking is a first recommendation and the most useful treatment. An operation on someone who does not stop smoking will usually be pointless. A diet with a restriction of saturated fatty acids prevents new fat deposits in the vessels. Sufficient exercise stimulates blood circulation in the legs. In some cases, the complaints can be made to disappear completely by following walking training.Angioplasty is only done when deemed necessary: narrowed arteries are widened by sliding a balloon into the narrowed vein and inflating it. In severe cases, a bypass is performed through surgery.


This disorder often causes pain in the legs. The complaints can be described as painful, tired and heavy legs. The cause is often compression of certain nerves. Treatment consists of mild painkillers, exercise therapy and sometimes antidepressants.

Thrombotic leg

Thrombosis in the leg causes severe pain in the leg. The pain starts in the calf or above the knee. The leg swells and turns a red to horse color. The leg feels warm, the foot may feel cold. A thrombosis is a blood clot in the vein of the leg.A blood clot is caused by blood clotting, which should be naturally possible in the event of an injury, but now clots outside of an injury. This often occurs as a result of hormones, during pregnancy, after an operation or in the event of a broken hip. Smoking, diabetes, prolonged bed rest, a cast on the leg or an excess of blood cells can also cause thrombosis.If thrombosis is not treated, painful tired legs develop, sometimes accompanied by open wounds. Treatment consists of medication by injection for three to six months. Medications that can be taken by mouth can also be prescribed: these are anticoagulants.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

One of the symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency is leg pain. This is manifested by cramps, muscle pain, numbness or a tired feeling in the legs. Muscle weakness can also occur. Restless legs is a common symptom of a vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 is found in animal-derived foods such as meat, fish, eggs and milk. Vegetarians are more likely to deficiency of this vitamin, vegans certainly do not get enough vitamin B12. Soy milk contains added vitamin B12.


With a hernia, an intervertebral disc protrudes and presses on a nerve. The result is lower back pain with leg pain. The pain in the legs gets worse with time. An examination will be able to diagnose hernia or sciatica. A hernia can heal on its own. In 75% of cases, a hernia will heal on its own without treatment. However, surgery is often chosen to get rid of the complaints faster.Physiotherapy can repair a hernia , supplemented with swimming. With an acute hernia, rest is better. Chiropractic care can provide relief for a mild hernia. Operation usually only takes place after a waiting period of 6 weeks to see whether the hernia will heal on its own. The operation is generally performed within six months, because this is when the chance of recovery is greatest.A hernia is not caused by heavy lifting or bending. Hernias are more common in certain families. A hernia is also more common in smokers and is also more difficult to heal.

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