This is how you get rid of vaginal fungus!

Most women will experience a vaginal yeast infection at some point in their lives. Most women know how annoying a yeast infection can be. There are a number of possible causes and fortunately you can do something about it yourself!


Almost all women will suffer from a vaginal yeast infection at some point in their lives. This infection is caused by the fungus Candida Albicans . Although it is a relatively harmless condition, it can cause very unpleasant symptoms. All women have bacteria and fungi near their vagina. This is normal and ensures a good balance in the vagina. But sometimes certain fungi grow too fast and an infection occurs. This can happen when the balance is disturbed by, for example:

  • washing too often with soap
  • the use of antibiotics because they kill all bacteria, including the good ones
  • pill use and pregnancy due to increased estrogen levels.


The symptoms of a vaginal fungal infection

Not all women have to develop complaints, but the complaints usually consist of:

  • Itch
  • Burning feeling
  • Redness and swollen mucous membranes of the vagina
  • A changed discharge, often white and friable and often smelling differently than normal
  • Pain during sex


What can you do about it?

If you have a fungal infection, you naturally want to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Recently, over-the-counter medicines have become available at pharmacies and drugstores. It is about this:

Canesten 1 vaginal tablet:

This tablet contains clotrimazole and is inserted deeply into the vagina once before going to sleep.

Canesten cream 10mg/g:

This cream also contains clotrimazole and is a six-day treatment. An applicator must be inserted every evening before going to sleep. The labia can also be rubbed with this. NB! This product can damage the rubber of a condom, causing it to break more quickly!

Daktarin cream:

This cream contains miconazole and can be used to relieve itching on the outside of the vagina.Although a vaginal yeast infection is harmless, it is important to treat it. Never stop once the complaints have disappeared, but always complete a treatment, so you can be sure that all fungi have been killed.

Tips to prevent a fungal infection:

  • Do not wash with soap, but only with some lukewarm water
  • Do not use a vaginal douche, it can disrupt the balance
  • Wipe from front to back in the toilet
  • Wear cotton underwear
  • Avoid tight-fitting clothing
  • Change sanitary towels or panty liner regularly

Contact your doctor if the symptoms do not disappear or keep coming back after following the tips and using over-the-counter medications.

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