Spiritual children

Many children see things that are invisible to adults. They experience it as very normal, but get stuck in contact with peers. Because they experience the world around them as different, they miss the connection. How do you deal with these children?

What do children see then?

Being paranormal; it’s still a dirty word. It belongs in the ‘vague’ category and you should not pay too much attention to it. Children feel this immediately when they have made a statement and receive an unpleasant, hurtful response. They say, ‘Act normal’, but it is normal for them.Many children have contact with deceased people. Often grandparents or other relatives. ‘ Who is that gentleman sitting next to Aunt Ina?’ could be a question from a child. There is no one sitting next to Aunt. In reality, Aunt Ina is a widow and this child sees her husband sitting on the couch. Some children feel where others are in pain and can literally put their finger on it.Children sometimes say that a grandfather or grandmother, whom they have not always known, comes to visit them in the evening. It makes one child afraid, another restless, because they are often talked to.

Not in the here and now

You can imagine that when children see and feel so much about others, they are more concerned with that than with paying attention in class and learning. Dreamy, distracted, restless, withdrawn. Children are given stickers and we see their learning performance decline. In contact with peers, they react ‘strangely’ differently than other children. In their sensitivity they notice moods of, for example, the teacher and they also feel when things have happened in the life of this teacher. In short: there is a lot going on in those heads.

To draw

You can often see in children’s drawings where these children are; for example, a 7-year-old girl drew all family members with legs, except herself; she literally floated between heaven and earth. The term vague fits perfectly here!We then use the term that the child is not grounded. Being grounded is important to be in the here and now, to feel solid. Letting a child literally engage with the earth, for example by having their own garden, will help to build their ground. But children’s yoga is also an excellent way to learn to be present in your body.

How can you help these children?

The key word, of course, is acceptance. That is the first step to trust. Sometimes it is necessary to devise rituals. In the event that a grandfather, grandmother or other deceased relative appears at your child’s bedside or room, it is best to discuss a welcome ritual with a child. But also say that it makes you restless and ask him or her to leave him or her alone. When children learn this, they start shielding and learning to draw boundaries. Then life becomes lighter and more bearable.It certainly makes sense to talk to children about near-death experiences, the so-called NDEs. Children can very well imagine that people are on their way to the Light and return to earthly reality. Because of the stories that show that it is a very good place to be where the Light is, it is less threatening that they themselves have contact with deceased people. By drawing about them, feelings can find a place and learn to let them go.

Thank you angels

Doreen Virtue has written the picture book: Thank you angels and in it she explains what angels are, that they can help you with difficult things and how to make contact with them.It is very easy for spiritual children to find their source of help in it. As adults we are blocked by the thoughts and reactions of others. Children live close to their feelings. They are touchable . How wonderful it would be if we were also touched by the special connection that our children have with the world between heaven and earth.

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