Losing weight after pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman gains an average of 10 to 20 kilos, depending on her own BMI. After giving birth, the first kilos will disappear quickly. What remains are some stubborn pounds that sometimes just won’t go away. How long does it take to regain the old weight and how?

Weight gain during pregnancy

It is very normal, and also very healthy, to gain weight during pregnancy. How much this is will depend on the BMI of the pregnant woman. A woman with a normal BMI will have to gain an average of 11 to 16 kilos. An underweight woman prefers to gain a little more weight, an overweight woman prefers to gain a little less weight. It is unhealthy to weigh less after giving birth than before pregnancy.A woman quickly loses a number of pounds after giving birth due to the birth of the baby, the birth of the placenta and the loss of amniotic fluid. These three things together are good for at least five kilos. The remaining kilos consist of fluid retained during childbirth and extra fat. It is very normal for the body to store extra fat during pregnancy. This is a survival mechanism of nature: a pregnant woman needs reserves for the baby.Another cause of weight gain is blood volume increase, enlargement of the uterus and breasts. Most kilos disappear automatically after giving birth. Breastfeeding can help a woman lose weight faster.

Losing weight after giving birth

No one will look nice and tight again after giving birth. This is not possible: the skin has expanded during pregnancy and will have to shrink again. The extra fat storage will also not suddenly disappear. A woman who has gained weight normally during pregnancy will suffer from excess weight after giving birth.It is not necessary to go on a strict diet immediately after giving birth. Most pounds disappear a few days after birth: retained fluid disappears, blood volume decreases and the uterus shrinks. Breastfeeding causes people to lose weight faster: this is due to the amount of energy put into breastfeeding. Yet this is no guarantee: there are breastfeeding mothers who do not lose a single gram.In general, one can take into account that it takes nine months before the old weight is regained. Anyone who gains weight for nine months must continue for the same amount of time to lose weight again. However, it is important to achieve the same weight as before pregnancy. If you are overweight you can and should lose more weight, but if you are underweight it is better not to want to lose weight.Anyone who has retained a lot of fluid during pregnancy will generally also have gained a lot of weight. After giving birth, the kilos can fly off again. This is due to the excess fluid that disappears from the body.

Difficulty losing weight

Many women have difficulty regaining their old weight. It is often seen that women who breastfeed also eat more. Breastfeeding requires a lot of energy from the body. Eating more is a way to replenish that energy. However, if you eat too much, you will also consume too much energy. The fat stores will then not be used and may even be replenished. So be careful with extra food.Anyone who has not regained their old weight after a year apparently has a lot of difficulty losing it. Eating habits and exercise must be taken into account . Many mothers who do not go to work after giving birth are inclined to sit still. Try to exercise for at least half an hour a day, for example by taking the baby for a walk. Exercise can also contribute to weight loss. Moreover, it can provide the necessary distraction and relaxation: caring for a baby 24 hours a day can sometimes lead to frustration or stress.Snacks, cookies and sweets are not healthy at all. They provide empty calories: calories such as sugar and fat. These do not provide any nutrients and are stored first in the form of fat. Sugar is found in soft drinks, sweets and pastries. Saturated fats are found in cheese, cookies, meat and whole milk (products). So stay away. It is better to choose low-fat dairy products, lean meat, whole grain products, vegetables and fruit.

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  • Weight gain during pregnancy

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