The smoking addiction

Addiction is by definition not pleasant, after all addiction means that your own will has been pushed into the background and you cannot live without it. Smoking addiction is one that is extra burdensome because, in addition to being destructive to one’s own body, other people also unintentionally ‘second-hand smoke’. A very annoying and persistent addiction for several reasons.

What is it?

An addiction occurs if you have great difficulty stopping what causes the addiction. Strictly speaking, smoking tobacco is the addictive factor and this is caused by nicotine (nicotine leads to dopamine release in the brain, which in turn gives a comfortable and relaxed feeling) that is in the cigarette. Rational thoughts about how bad the cigarette is are of secondary importance. The cigarette provides enough of a comfortable and relaxed feeling that the body and mind ask for more. If you stop, the body may function worse because the addictive nicotine no longer penetrates the body, resulting in withdrawal symptoms.

Adverse effects

Although an addiction is never good, smoking addiction is bad because it can have disastrous consequences for the body and mind. In addition to the effect on the brain, it also has an effect on the cardiovascular system, lungs and gastrointestinal tract.In addition, smoking also has a negative impact on the environment. If it is not the passive smoke, then possibly the own musty and very unattractive odor that can arise when smoking.

Characteristics of the addiction

  • Dependency
  • Compulsiveness
  • Stress
  • Oppression
  • Self-destruction


Own boss in body and mind

Although the nicotine feeling is very pleasant and the body keeps asking for this substance, we all know how bad it is. Sometimes smoking has also become a habit and sometimes it is the sedation that it provides. Finding the cause, and this applies to any addiction, is just as important.Knowing this does not alter the fact that tackling addiction is an operation in itself. It’s a good thing that when you ‘re ready to put that cigarette out for good, you don’t convince yourself so much as consider what it’s really about. There are a number of things that are good to think about and act on:

  • Think about what the reasons could be for falling back into the addiction and demonstrate to yourself that this is nonsense (so disprove your excuses).
  • Love yourself and think how wonderful it will be to soon have a clean body again and to decide for yourself what you do and do not take.
  • Think about what really matters in life (and not that short sweet moment when you inhale the nicotine).
  • Knowing that stress is a reason that people turn to cigarettes, make sure you manage stress in a different way. Find a way that works for you and analyze… after all, what do you achieve with stress?
  • If you have other issues that nicotine also “helps” with, it is good to address them immediately. Tidying yourself up a bit. It gives you mental space and you become less sensitive to stress.

While one person can do it all themselves, the other needs help. There are several centers that offer guidance. You can seek help via the Stivoro website.


It is not easy for most people to make the decision to quit smoking. That requires a strong dose of perseverance and a positive drive is very useful for this. Although the physical addiction does not last long, the mental process is usually the most difficult and demanding. On the other hand, the boss is also worth something in his own body and mind.For more information: Stivoro (abbreviation of ‘Foundation for Public Health and Smoking’)

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