The skin, aging beautifully

Many people, women even more so than men, have difficulty growing old. Besides the fact that this has to do with the less naturally smooth functioning of the body, this also has to do with the media. We are told in all kinds of ways that the skin should be tight and smooth and, above all, we should appear young and vital. But growing old gracefully also has its advantages. The question is should you participate? Everyone should know that for themselves. In any case, it is good to take care of your skin to grow old gracefully with the skin that mother nature has given you. Now, caring in general does not mean much, but by caring we mean cleaning, protecting and nourishing. Which doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to buy expensive creams. In addition to a regular day and night cream, there are so many other products that also keep your skin beautiful and vital.

Elastin and collagen

These are the substances that do something for the skin and are important as the skin ages. Most cosmetic houses have a product line that contains these substances. These substances are important because elastin, for example, is a protein that helps the tissue return to its original shape. Elastin is no longer produced when we reach puberty, but it must be added via a cosmetic product from around the age of 30. Every skin is different, so one skin will retain that important elasticity on its own longer than the other.


The sun is wonderful and, if not protected, the sun can be disastrous for the skin. However, for the important vitamin D, we only need to catch sunlight for a few minutes a day. We know that moisturizing the skin in the sun, but also in the shade, is important. But the skin around the eyes is extra delicate and can therefore use some extra protection. A large sun hat with a brim or sunglasses prevents you from having to squint and lines appear on the skin around the eyes. If you want to do something extra for the skin around the eyes, use an eye cream at night if you nourish the skin with a night cream. Just use the night to recover.

Food and drink

A must to stay alive, but besides the fact that food and drink can be tasty, it can also be directly good for the skin. We know that we need to get the important nutrients in the right portions. In addition, there are some nutrients that are specifically good for the skin (vitamin C and zinc). Think about:

  • Oily fish (2x per week)
  • Green vegetables (e.g. broccoli or spinach)
  • Between 1.5 and 2 liters of fluid per day (does not necessarily have to be water, it can also be extracted from other nutrients). Adjust the amount if you sweat a lot.
  • Nuts (e.g. almonds or walnuts)

Try to avoid sugar as much as possible and limit alcohol consumption. If you drink a drink, compensate for it with at least one glass of water compared to one drink. We then know that smoking is bad for the lungs and the vascular system, but is also bad for maintaining beautiful supple skin.


Not the most obvious on the list of skin care providers, but a good mood and a lot of laughter is good for your entire body and therefore also the skin. When you feel good about yourself, you radiate and this has an impact on the skin. Moreover, you look fresher if you have a cheerful face.


These are often things that we already know, but which for whatever reason we ignore. It doesn’t hurt to refocus every now and then, even or perhaps especially when you’re busy. Growing old gracefully doesn’t take much, as long as you do what you do for your skin consistently!

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