This is how you realize pleasant eating and living habits

Being slim is in your head… they sometimes say. On the other hand, this text seems easy to refute, after all you can see whether someone is slim or not. The definition of slim varies widely. Ten people will give ten different definitions of “slim” including examples. Knowing this forms the basis of the fact that being slim is in your head. Couple this with a healthy body, because a slim body is not automatically healthy, and you are at the level of your eating and living behavior.

What weight/figure suits you?

It starts with the panicky thought that you need to lose weight and be slim. Getting slimmer can become an obsession at some point. Not something in the direction of anorexia, because there is always another problem underlying it, but obsessively wanting to work towards a certain weight. A weight that you have thought about for a moment, not knowing whether it is good for you. Not infrequently the woman who has reached a crucial age (for some this is 30, others 40 and still others 50) and thinks that the number of kilos as an adolescent should still be up to date. But a body changes over the years and for a reason. There is nothing wrong with that. The only thing you have to be alert to is that you keep the balance and that applies to every age.

Maintain balance in eating/living behavior

Keeping a balance is important, but in order to maintain that balance you must first gain insight into your eating and living behavior. This not only means that you know what goes into your mouth, but also how much you actually move in a day. We all know about an hour of exercise a day, but there is more. Do you exercise more and if so, what do you talk about? Map it out in broad strokes for yourself.Insight into your eating and living behavior is broadly the total picture that allows you to determine whether you are in balance or whether you are too heavy or too light. So it goes further than what you think you see in the mirror or what a scale says. What’s more, and is often underestimated, is whether you feel comfortable in your body. A few kilos too heavy or too light, but a body that you really feel comfortable in is better than the chronic dieter who is never satisfied. He/she always thinks he/she is a few kilos too heavy or too light. The question may be asked whether these people ever feel comfortable in their bodies. So first give yourself insight!

Banish inhibiting thoughts

It may sound simple, but an important advisor (also in a negative sense) are your own thoughts. There are quite a few reasons that can hinder the process. They are thoughts and you are also your own counselor to destroy these fallacies. Commonly used reasons are:

  • Too busy to map everything.
  • I’ve tried everything, but it doesn’t work.
  • Too tired to exercise after hard work.
  • I’m genetically loaded, meaningless.
  • Emotion eaters cannot turn off emotions.
  • Good food is also fun.


Make choices

There are plenty of reasons not to do something, but life consists of making choices and therefore also when it comes to your eating and living behavior. So no time is no reason, after all, if something is important enough to you, you make time. The fact that this may mean that something else has to give way is inherent in making choices. So set priorities. It is possible to be genetically predisposed, but that may just mean that you have to put in a little more effort. Are you willing to do this?So think about what your fallacies are and why something could work out.

Good feeling

The good feeling will arise slowly, after all you have made choices and you have to find your way in them. What is important from day one is that whatever you do, do it with your full attention and enjoy the moment. Whether this is running, while your condition is not yet great and you are panting for your first kilometers, or a tasty sandwich that you have just prepared for your visit and yourself.In addition to enjoying what you do, it is also important that you enjoy the environment in which you function. An open and bright kitchen where you prepare food gives a better feeling than a dark cubicle. Then eat your food in peace and quiet in a space where you feel comfortable. Running in the gym is okay, but if there is greenery nearby, you can immediately enjoy the beautiful greenery. If you have a dog, take the beautiful route in the area, etc. In short, do everything very consciously and see the beauty.


Changing your eating and lifestyle is not something that can happen in a day. But it starts with your own thoughts and how you really want to change something (or not). Make the changes slowly and allow yourself to get used to them.

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