Proteins for a slim and athletic figure

Proteins (also called protein) are an important nutrient, our entire body is built with the help of proteins. For example, an adult person consists of an average of 12 kilos of protein. We need protein every day, both for metabolism and to replenish what we lose through skin flakes, hair, feces and physical exertion.

Daily amount

We get our daily portion of proteins through our diet and the body then turns these dietary proteins into body proteins. According to information from the World Health Organization WHO, we need at least 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight every day. This means that someone who weighs 75 kilos needs 60 grams of protein per day. In general, this is easily achieved, because a portion of 100 grams of chicken fillet contains 20 grams of protein and a cup of milk contains approximately 8 grams. But in the case of (heavy) physical exertion, the body can use extra proteins, also to prevent the breakdown of muscle mass. For a sports person who wants to get and maintain a beautiful athletic body, it is recommended to eat 1.8 grams of protein per kilo of body weight every day, so if you weigh 60 kilos that is 108 grams of protein per day.

Slow and fast proteins

In addition to food, proteins are also available in the form of a protein shake. Protein shakes are popular among athletes and whey proteins are generally drunk. These whey proteins are fast proteins and are absorbed and broken down by the body within 2 hours. This makes it very suitable before and/or after exercise. There is also casein protein, which is a slow protein. Just like the proteins from most foods, it is absorbed by the body in a period of 6 to 8 hours. The casein protein shakes are less known and less widely available than the whey shakes, but are recommended for people who want to take extra slow proteins. It is common knowledge among strength athletes and bodybuilders who want to build extra muscle mass that our body grows muscles during our night’s sleep. Proteins are an important nutrient because our muscles consist mainly of proteins, which is why it is advisable to drink a casein protein shake before going to bed.

Important building blocks

Proteins consist of amino acids, there are 22 different types in total. They are connected to each other like a kind of bead chain. During digestion, these strings of beads are loosened, so to speak, so that the loose amino acids ultimately remain. The body then makes proteins for the body cells, such as blood and muscles. Thousands of combinations of amino acids are possible. The body can make 13 of the 22 types of amino acids itself, we must get the other 9 types through our food. These are the so-called essential amino acids and are mainly found in animal products.

Slim and athletic

Protein-rich food is good for those who want to lose weight, because it keeps you feeling full for a long time. So no sugars and few fats (saturated fats should be avoided), but whole grain products, vegetables, legumes, lean meat and low-fat dairy products. Proteins keep you feeling full for longer because they are difficult for the body to digest. It is important to consume sufficient proteins every day and fast proteins, such as protein shakes, are recommended for athletes. Anyone who wants to lose weight should not only focus on the weight on the scale, but on fat burning. Growing extra muscle is very important because people with more muscle mass also burn more calories. Even when you’re relaxing on the couch watching television. Figure improvement is also a result of more muscle mass because the skin is tighter due to more muscle tissue. To grow muscles you have to exercise and (extra) proteins are important because they are the building block for muscles. It is about the combination of exercise and (extra) proteins, so there is no point in drinking a protein shake in the lazy chair and waiting for the muscles to grow. Extra muscles give more strength, energy, a better figure and a higher metabolism, which means you burn more fat! ​Proteins are found in almost all foods, both plant and animal products.

Attached are a number of protein-rich products

  • Low-fat yogurt bowl (150 grams) – 6 grams of protein
  • Cup of milk (250 ml) – 8 grams of protein
  • Gammon slice (20 grams) – 4 grams of protein
  • Chicken fillet piece (100 grams) – 30 grams of protein
  • Slice of salmon (115 grams) – 23 grams of protein
  • Slice of cheese (20 grams) – 4 grams of protein
  • Kidney beans (serving spoon) (60 grams) – 10 grams of protein
  • Handful of nuts (25 grams) – 6 grams of protein
  • Rice serving spoon (50 grams) – 2 grams of protein
  • Cottage cheese bowl (200 grams) – 16 grams of protein

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