Make yourself happy

Many people nowadays feel less good about themselves. This is understandable given all the high demands that our society imposes on us. With these simple tips you can make yourself or even others a little (much) happier!

Why people nowadays feel less good about themselves

More and more people are feeling unhappier these days. This is partly because they cannot meet the demands set by society. You’re either on board or you’re just not on board at all, and then you have a problem. Or you can’t find work and you feel lonely. Or you have so much work that you no longer have time for relaxation. Some people feel unhappy because they get no satisfaction from life. For example, someone wants to become an airplane pilot, but he/she cannot because this person is bad at math. Or, for example, a single mother who is always alone and has little help from few people. These things make a person feel worse faster. Someone may also feel less good about themselves because they may have experienced a traumatic event. With these simple tricks you can easily make yourself feel better!

Do something for yourself and/or someone else

Nowadays people are very “thrifty” when it comes to giving compliments. Which is very unfortunate. Because both giving and receiving a compliment make you feel better. Admit it, when you give someone a compliment, isn’t that smile on his/her facesupposed to put a smile on your face ? Being able to make someone happy makes you feel good too, doesn’t it? That’s the same as getting a compliment! That small moment of happiness, that encouragement that lets you know that you can be there. Feels good, right? If possible, do something for someone else. Everyone likes to receive a little attention from an unexpected source. Be more courteous in traffic, help with the dishes or call a friend to ask how things are going. You’ll be amazed at how satisfied you feel when you can make someone else a little happier. Because let’s be honest, you would also like that bit of attention from an unexpected source.

Some ways to feel better about yourself

Treat yourself!

Let yourself be completely taken care of and treat yourself to a wonderfully relaxing massage! Go for a pedicure and manicure. Facial care can also be beneficial. You can also get waxed! Your armpits, your legs, your bikini line or places with unwanted hair growth. You will feel like new. Also a nice way to give yourself some self-confidence again is to wear make-up. Keep it subtle and don’t put on an overdose of foundation or lipstick. People will see that you are radiant, and still wonder how you did that! And that’s your little secret that you can keep to yourself.


Laugh as much as you can! Watch a good comedy film, watch funny videos on the internet or bring back the best memories with your friends! This will not only make you more beautiful, but it will also make you feel much better about yourself. Look in the mirror and say something nice to yourself every morning! Encourage yourself and let yourself know that you can be there. Strange but true, after a while your self-confidence increases. There is no such thing as being abnormal or crazy, you are just different.

Put on that expensive lingerie set and feel the difference yourself

Take that more expensive lingerie set out of your closet and just wear it. You will feel sexy, and at the same time you will radiate it! And no one needs to know how you do that.

Look after yourself

Do what YOU feel good about! If you don’t feel like going out, just stay at home and do what you like. This may seem lonely, but a little time for yourself can’t hurt. Certainly not if you have a busy life. Don’t be too hard on yourself either. Being a perfectionist is very simple, but not being a perfectionist is a real challenge. Be happy with what you have already achieved and be rightly proud of it.

Go exercise!

Exercising is healthy and it makes you happier! Exercising releases certain substances that make you happier. You don’t have to exercise alone, feel free to ask a friend. It also gives more structure to your life.

Go shopping, but keep an eye on your budget

Get yourself some nice new shoes! Or buy that jacket you’ve wanted for so long. Take a sunny day out to the shopping street. Treat yourself to some great new things!

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