I am an adult and have pimples, what causes this?

When one thinks of pimples, one automatically thinks of teenagers. Most people assume that pimples will disappear as they get older. Unfortunately, this is not always the case and pimples persist even in young adults. Even when one has already reached middle age, pimples can (still) cause a problem. There are also people who had little to no problems with pimples during puberty and develop acne at an older age. Why does this happen and what can you do to prevent it as much as possible? Read more about pimples in adults in the article below.

What are pimples?

A pimple generally refers to an inflammation on the face that appears as a red bump with sometimes a white-yellow pus head on it. Most pimples are most often seen on the so-called T-zone, forehead, nose and chin, but they also occur frequently on the cheeks. In addition, pimples also regularly occur on shoulders, back, neck and buttocks. Pimples are also called pimples or acne, the scientific name for (youth) pimples is acne vulgaris. A pimple is usually caused by a clogged pore, an inflamed sebaceous gland and/or an inflamed hair follicle (folliculitis). In teenagers, pimples are usually caused by hormones, which can be quite erratic during puberty. Hormones can cause sebaceous glands to produce excessive sebum and pores to enlarge. This allows dirt to easily enter and clog the pore. This is often seen as a black dot in the skin, a blackhead (comedo), which can ultimately result in a persistent inflammation with a white pus head.Because appearance is very important to most people , acne can cause feelings of inferiority and even depression for some.

Pustules in adults

develop pimples regularly, sometimes even daily . When it comes to adults, don’t just think of young adults, even people over 50 can suffer considerably from inflammation in the skin. Below you can read the most common causes of acne in adults.


Pimples in adults are often caused by shaving, especially on the face, neck, armpits and pubic area are places where annoying pus heads can develop after shaving. When shaving, a hair is pulled slightly, which can irritate the hair follicle and cause it to become infected (folliculitis). In addition, the skin sustains (microscopic) damage because the razor blade scrapes over the skin. This gives bacteria, fungi and yeasts free rein to penetrate the skin and can subsequently cause inflammation. Do not use a razor in combination with shaving foam, but preferably use a shaver, this will cause less damage to the skin. Irritationcan also occur after shaving due to ingrown or crooked hairs, the medical term for this is pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB). When shaving, the end of a hair becomes very sharp and can easily pierce the skin as it grows, causing a red bump with a pus point to develop. PFB is often seen in the beard area of men who have very curly hair, while ladies regularly suffer from it after shaving the armpits, lower legs and bikini line. PFB is very difficult to prevent, but it does help to shave every other day instead of every day. You should also make sure that when shaving, you do not shave too close, try to maintain a length of half to a whole millimeter. Here too, the use of a blade and shaving foam is strongly discouraged. Using a soft peeling can help somewhat to prevent complaints.


Just like teenagers, adult pimples can also develop due to hormone fluctuations. Women in particular often have to deal with this, as they regularly develop pimples around the menstrual period due to the influence of hormones. In case of severe hormone fluctuations and associated pimples, the use of a contraceptive pill can provide relief. “The pill” can be obtained by prescription from your GP.During pregnancy, “pregnancy hormones” cause pimples to appear (usually) in the first three months on the face, chest and back. During this period it is advisable to keep the skin clean with special facial cleansers; the beautician or pharmacy can provide specialized advice on this. Pimples that occur during pregnancy are temporary and disappear automatically after a few months or after pregnancy.(Underlying) diseases can also cause hormone fluctuations and therefore cause (oily) impure skin, usually these are conditions that (in)directly influence hormone-producing organs. An example of this is polycystic ovary syndrome, one of the symptoms of this condition is the development of acne.Men can also develop pimples under the influence of hormones , testosterone in particular can cause greatly increased sebum production.

Power supply

With bad skin it is important to eat healthy, always eat enough fruit and vegetables and try to avoid one-sided diet and fatty products as much as possible. In addition, it is very important to drink enough water, so that waste products can be properly removed.Whether or not certain foods can cause pimples remains a difficult position. To date, no hard evidence has been found that eating certain products causes pimples. Yet there are many people who suddenly get (many more) pimples after eating chocolate, fries and/or pork. To find out whether one is sensitive to certain foods, it is advisable to keep a kind of list for four weeks of which products have been consumed and whether more pimples have appeared after one to three days. You can then decide for yourself which foods are best avoided.Some products that may cause pimples are:

  • Chocolate
  • Pork
  • Chips
  • Snacks
  • Potato chips
  • mayonnaise
  • Cow’s milk
  • Sugar
  • White bread


Cosmetics, detergents and other chemicals

Detergents and cosmetics may contain (chemical) ingredients to which some people are hypersensitive, they can develop pimples after skin contact. A well-known example is styling products for the hair. Hair that often “hangs in the face” can cause skin irritation. Oily styling products, such as wax, mousse and gel, can make the skin even oilier, resulting in blackheads and pimples. Switching to another product and/or brand can prevent many skin problems. Detergents and fabric softeners can cause pimples in the same way after (frequent) skin contact. Wearing underwear can cause acne on shoulders, back, chest and buttocks. But bedding, especially a pillowcase, can also cause skin irritation. In some cases, pimples only occur on a left or right cheek, because people often “sleep on that side”. By using a different detergent, possibly hypoallergenic, pimples will disappear quickly.Cosmetics and facial care products such as creams and foundations can also cause pimples in adults. Here too, switching to another brand or an equivalent product can often get rid of the pimples quickly.


Certain medications can cause pimples, this is usually temporary and they disappear when the medication is stopped. Sometimes “the pill” can be the cause of increasing pimples, while in some cases “the pill” can also be prescribed to combat pimples. In addition to many other side effects, prednisone (= corticosteroid = adrenal hormone) also influences the development of acne. There are more medications that have a negative effect on the skin. Consult the package leaflet or the treating doctor for more information about side effects of certain medications.Anabolics that are often used by bodybuilders can cause serious acne on the back, shoulders and chest. (Top) athletes who use doping can also suffer from pimples .


During stress, more testosterone is produced than under “normal” conditions. Testosterone ensures, among other things, increased sebum production, which will ultimately result in oily skin and clogged pores, leading to blackheads and pimples.


Showering (too) hot can cause increased sebum production, which can cause pimples to form on the shoulders, back and buttocks. Therefore, use warm water when showering and use shower gel and/or bath foam sparingly to avoid irritation of the skin, which can also result in minor infections.

Lack of sleep

Skin problems can arise from lack of sleep, our skin recovers during our night’s sleep. To recover properly, the skin needs at least six hours of sleep.

Other causes

  • Heredity
  • Wrong skin care products
  • Too many skin care products
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Smoking
  • Unhealthy lifestyle


A few tips

  • If you suffer from pimples a lot, it is important to keep the skin clean. This can be done by using lotions, peels and creams.
  • Do not scratch open pimples or squeeze “immature” pimples, the chance that it will become a serious infection is very high.
  • Remove blackheads and “ripe” pimples preferably after a peeling and a warm shower, dead skin cells are then removed and the pores are open. Practice with a clean tissue, then gently apply some pressure to the blackheads and/or pimples. Then apply an anti-inflammatory cream or soothing cream to the skin.
  • Visit a beautician regularly for deep cleansing of the skin.



If you have persistent and/or persistent complaints, consult a doctor or dermatologist. You may be dealing with a skin disease that closely resembles acne.

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