What is testicular torsion or testicular torsion and how does it occur?

Testicular torsion can occur out of nowhere and it can be extremely painful. So what could be going on if, out of the blue, you suddenly experience a lot of pain in your testicle? Then there is a good chance that you have developed testicular torsion. Testicular torsion can occur due to exertion, but can often also occur out of nowhere. Testicular torsion occurs in 1 testicle and almost never in both testicles at the same time. Testicular torsion often occurs in men between the ages of 12 and 25. This article clearly explains what exactly testicular torsion is, how you can get it and what to do if you have testicular torsion.

  • What is testicular torsion?
  • What happens with testicular torsion?
  • What to do with testicular torsion?
  • What symptoms occur with testicular torsion?
  • Therapy


What is testicular torsion?

Testicular torsion is a terribly painful condition. In testicular torsion, the spermatic cord is twisted around the testicle. torsio means twisting. Due to this condition, blood no longer reaches your ball, because the veins in your ball or near your ball through which blood flows are pinched. This deprives your ball of oxygen and important nutrients. Because your ball no longer receives oxygen and important nutrients, the ball can die within a few hours. This condition mainly occurs in adolescents, but it can also occur in older people.

What happens with testicular torsion?

In some people, the tissue surrounding the testicle is a little loose, so the testicles can move more than normal. If the testicle rotates, the spermatic cord must also rotate, because the testicle is attached to it. This allows the spermatic cord to rotate around the testicle. If the spermatic cord is twisted around the testicle, the veins are blocked and blood can no longer flow to your testicle. This causes severe pain. The testicle dies and eventually dies, this can happen within 5 to 6 hours.

What to do with testicular torsion?

If you experience discomfort or severe pain in your testicle or around your testicle, it is important to see your doctor immediately, do not wait too long! If you wait too long, your ball may die. This can happen as early as 6 hours. Then the testicle must be removed and that is of course not pleasant. It is therefore very important to go to the doctor or emergency room immediately. The doctor will then see what is going on and help you further. You could also check yourself whether testicular torsion has developed. Calmly and gently feel the painful testicle. If it feels strange and hard, there is a good chance that you have testicular torsion. With testicular torsion, the affected testicle has often also turned purple. So go to the doctor or doctor immediately and don’t wait any longer!

What symptoms occur with testicular torsion?

Various symptoms occur with testicular torsion. From these symptoms and the severe pain you could already know whether testicular torsion has developed. Testicular torsion often causes nausea, which can cause you to vomit. There may also be fever, vomiting, dizzy feeling, severe pain that extends into your abdomen or back and a swollen ball. The ball can also feel very hard and strange.


If you have developed testicular torsion, you will need urgent surgery. If this is not done within 6 hours, the ball may die. If immediate action is taken, there is a much greater chance of being able to save the ball. The testicle and spermatic cord are then returned to normal and secured. This is also done with the other testicle that is not affected by testicular torsion, because this testicle has a greater average chance of turning, this is also to prevent a repeat of an operation. The sooner the operation is done, the greater the chance of saving the testicle. The operation should be done within 6 hours, the sooner the better. The affected testicle is also sometimes reversed by a doctor, but this is painful and often not very successful. However, it does not hurt when you have the operation, because you do not feel anything at all.

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