Popular but dangerous diets: The low-carb diet

Over the years, carbohydrates have been structurally seen as fattening. It is therefore not surprising that low-carb diets are among the most favorite diets in 2016. However, it is not wise to try to lose a lot of weight with the help of a low-carbohydrate diet. Carbohydrates are the human body’s main source of energy. When the human body becomes deficient in carbohydrates, serious physical complaints can occur. The low-carb diet is therefore not only one of the most popular diets, but also one of the most dangerous diets. Losing weight quickly and easily is the wish of most Dutch people. However, fast, safe and healthy weight loss often do not go together. What is more important, losing weight quickly or a safe and healthy life?

What is a low-carb diet?

Low-carb diets include all diets that limit daily carbohydrate intake. The American Academy of Family Physicians provides the following definition of low-carb diet: “Low-carb diets limit caloric intake by reducing carbohydrate consumption from 20 to 60 grams per day (usually it is less than 20 percent of daily caloric intake) “The consumption of proteins and fats is increased. This is to compensate for that part of the calories that originally came from carbohydrates.” In practice, this means that the carbohydrate-rich products that comprise our daily menus, such as bread, potatoes, pasta and rice, are replaced by products with a higher percentage of proteins and fats. This includes meat, fish and soy products.

The low-carb diet is very popular

The low-carb diet has been very popular in the Netherlands for decades. This popularity of low-carb diets is mainly due to Dr. Atkins and Dr. Frank. This is probably due to the quick results that these professors and diet gurus promise.

On a diet to prevent health risks

44% of the European population says they diet to reduce health risks. This could include, for example, cardiovascular disease. But also to ultimately reduce the risk of dying prematurely. When someone chooses a diet with this approach, the low-carb diet does not seem to be the healthiest choice. Scientists from a Swedish university have conducted a study among 42,000 women aged 30 to 49. The women were followed for a period of twelve years in this study. The research results showed that a low-carbohydrate diet increases the risk of premature death by 6%. The risk of dying from cardiovascular disease increased by 13% by participating in a low-carbohydrate diet. Going on a diet if you are overweight seems to be wise in all cases. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Being overweight is never healthy for a body. But following a diet that leaves the building blocks of the body unchanged is even more harmful to the body. When you follow a low-carb diet, you limit your carbohydrate intake. These carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy. If the body cannot take in enough carbohydrates, it runs the risk of health risks. This includes cardiovascular disease, severe fatigue, concentration problems, poor fine motor skills and long-term headaches. The danger lies mainly in the fact that the health risks will not manifest themselves immediately, but will only occur after about ten years. While the low-carbohydrate diet had long since been stopped.

List of low-carb diets

This list contains the most common diets. A brief description is given in the explanation.Diet explanation
Atkins Diet The Atkins Diet is a low-carb lifestyle created by American cardiologist Robert Coleman Atkins
Heller program The Heller program tries to help people get rid of their carbohydrate addiction.
Busy Ladies Diet The Busy Ladies Diet is a low-carbohydrate diet that is supplemented with nutritional supplements.
Grip on Carbohydrate Diet The Control on Carbohydrate Diet (GOK) is a carbohydrate-restricted nutritional program developed by dietician Yvonne Lemmers. It is a phase diet that aims for one carbohydrate hour per day.
Color diet With the Color Diet, all food products are classified into three colors, green, orange and red.
Coconut Diet The Coconut Diet is still relatively unknown in the Netherlands, but is already very popular in America. It is a low-carb diet, where it is very important to use a few tablespoons of coconut oil daily.
Mayo diet The Mayo Diet is a seven-day weekly diet that uses a weekly schedule.
One kilo per week Diet Very popular diet in the Netherlands, which was compiled by Dr. Frank.
The Dukan Diet Low-carb diet written by Frenchman Pierre Dukan, a nutritionist who has more than thirty years of experience with weight loss and healthy eating patterns.
Zone Diet According to the diet gurus, this diet not only reduces weight, but also increases vitality, energy and concentration.
Know how to eat diet The Know How You Eat diet is a low-carbohydrate diet that uses nutritional supplements to support it.


Eskimos and diets

There are people on this earth, including Eskimos, who do not eat carbohydrates and on average live long and without problems. Ergo, Eskimos live healthier and cancer-free lives.For example, Canadian scientists have been studying the way Eskimos feed and live for years. Scientists are investigating 1,000 Inuits (Eskimos) in Greenland and Canada. The research focuses on the question of why Inuits remain so remarkably healthy and tries to find an answer to the question of why Western people keep getting sicker. According to these scientists, the connection was quickly found: “the diet”.According to Dewailly, researcher from the University of Lasalle, the research shows that the Eskimos have a high level of physical protection against cancer and cardiovascular disease. The diet of an Eskimo is first and foremost very rich in selenium. Selenium is extracted from whale skins by the Eskimos. Selenium is a natural protection against many cancers. And although the diet is very high in fat, cholesterol is not given free rein among the Eskimos. According to the scientists, this can be explained by the fact that Eskimos do eat fat, but do not consume carbohydrates such as sugars, etc. According to the researchers from the University of Lasalle, the diet of Eskimos is probably the healthiest diet available and the human body is made for this diet.

read more

  • The carbohydrate diet, what is it and does it really work?
  • What are the disadvantages of a low-carb diet?
  • The most popular diets are harmful to health
  • The RAW diet loses weight quickly and successfully, but unhealthy
  • How can you lose weight healthily and responsibly?

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