The most common ailments in children

Not only adults, but also children sometimes suffer from (usually harmless) ailments. Common ailments are: stomach ache, growing pains, constipation, sore throat, ear infection or cold. The cause cannot always be determined, but most complaints can be treated well. A child who is not feeling well needs rest so that the body can recover. It is also important that the child drinks enough. In case of pain, the child may take paracetamol. Please note the permitted dosage, this is stated in the package leaflet!

Ailments most common in children

Children suffer from ailments that disappear or become less as they grow older. Growing pains occur in children who are growing. And the immune system does not yet work as well as in adults. Children still need to build up their immune system and are therefore more susceptible to viruses such as the common cold. As a child has experienced more viruses, the body will recognize them and be able to fight them. Building up the immune system takes a number of years. Abdominal pain and stomach aches also mainly occur in children. Children often suffer from stomach ache because they cannot yet properly express what they are feeling. By scratching around the anus and then putting the fingers in the mouth, a child can become infected with anus maggots. A child with pinworms can infect the rest of the family because toys, door handles and the like may be contaminated.

Growing pains

Many children sometimes suffer from growing pains. It is not known what causes this and whether it has anything to do with growth. The pain comes on at night while resting and can last for several hours. The pain mainly occurs in the legs, especially in the calves or the front of the thigh. Paracetamol, massaging, rubbing or applying heat to painful areas (hot water bottle) can reduce the pain.

Stomach ache

Abdominal pain is a common phenomenon in children, often without an identifiable cause. Small children cannot yet properly describe their pain complaints and point to their stomach if they feel pain somewhere. In older children, abdominal pain is often caused by tension. The pain is mainly felt around the navel. This abdominal pain occurs more often in girls than in boys. In case of chronic abdominal pain and other physical complaints, it is wise to consult a doctor.


The most common worms in children are pinworms. These are small, white worms with a length of 0.5 to 1 cm. The swallowed eggs enter the intestines and develop into male and female worms. After the females have been fertilized, they crawl through the intestine and lay their eggs on the skin around the anus. In the last part of the rectum they already cause some itching and restlessness in the child. The moment they move on the skin around the anus, they cause enormous itching. The child starts scratching, causing the eggs to become stuck under the nails. If the child puts its fingers in its mouth, the whole cycle starts again. Sometimes it is difficult to find the worms, but vague abdominal pain and itching around the anus indicate their presence. The treatment consists of two tablets that must be taken 14 days apart. In addition, keep the nails short, clean the anus thoroughly and wash underwear, pajamas and bedding at the same time.


Every child has his own bowel pattern. Some children poop several times a day, others once every three days. A change in that pattern in combination with abdominal pain, abdominal distension, flatulence and dark, hard stools may indicate a constipation. Give the child more fluid and provide a fiber-rich diet. If this does not help, a laxative (by mouth) or an enema (through the anus) can be given in consultation with a doctor.

A sore throat

Most throat infections are caused by viruses. Medicines don’t help then. These infections disappear after a few days. A child with laryngitis may be somewhat feverish, have a burning sensation in the throat, painful to swallow and the throat is red. The treatment may consist of extra fluids and rest.

A middle ear infection

A middle ear infection can be caused by a cold. Bacteria enter the middle ear cavity, pus appears behind the eardrum. This can cause a middle ear infection. The inflammation is very painful. The pain increases when the child lies down because the blood flow is stronger. When the child sits upright, the pain decreases. The pressure from within causes the eardrum to bulge. If the eardrum ruptures, pus drains and the pain decreases. The eardrum heals on its own. In a child who regularly has an ear infection, it is wise to place a tube in the eardrum so that the pus can always drain away. This can only be done in consultation with a doctor. An untreated ear infection heals within one to two weeks in most children. The child may take paracetamol for the pain. In consultation with the doctor, it can also be decided to give antibiotics.


Everyone catches a cold a few times a year, but children do so much more often. Children are more susceptible and they easily infect each other through the droplets that travel in all directions when coughing. A cold, which may also include fever or fever, lasts about a week and goes away on its own. A nasal spray (saline solution) helps with a blocked nose.

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