The medicinal power of clover

There are two types of clover; the white clover with green leaves and the red clover that has some purplish-pink spots in the otherwise green leaves. Clover grows everywhere in every patch of grassland. The flowers and leaves are edible. It is a wild vegetable. You can also make tea from clover flowers. Clover is a healthy vegetable and organic too. It doesn’t hurt to add some clover to a salad or vegetable mix. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.


  • Healthy vegetable or herb
  • Vegetable or tea
  • Medical information about clover
  • Detox with clovers
  • Breathing
  • Relaxing effect of clover
  • Resolve menopausal complaints with clover
  • A healthy prostate with clover


Healthy vegetable or herb

Clover is a very healthy vegetable or herb, depending on how you use it. It contains all kinds of vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamins A, B2, B3, C and E. It also contains the minerals calcium, chromium, magnesium and potassium. Red clover contains slightly more nutrients than white clover. It also contains isoflavones, substances that fall under phytonutrients.Source:, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0)

Vegetable or tea

Clover can be eaten as a wild vegetable. You only need to blanch it briefly. You can also add clover leaves raw to the salad, but it is even tastier to add the red, sweet clover flowers to the lettuce, with or without other edible flowers. It is also possible to make your own herbal tea with clover. You can dry both the flowers and the leaves to make clover tea. Clover tea is often mixed with mint. You can also mix it with other herbs. Most herbalists only use the flowers to make medicinal clover tea because the clover flowers contain many more phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Medical information about clover

As for medical information, below is a list of what it can be used for. It’s not advice. Everyone can drink a few cups of clover tea a week. For medicinal purposes, drink 3 cups of clover tea per day. However, there are always exceptions. For example, you should not drink clover tea before an operation or just before the birth of a child. That’s because clover thins the blood. If you want to use herbs, it is best to consult a herbal therapist. This person knows which herbs cannot be combined with certain medications and under what circumstances you should not use a particular herb.Source: Christian Fischer, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0)

Detox with clovers

Clover is a detox vegetable. It helps the liver detoxify the body. It is particularly good for detoxing the lungs, liver, kidneys, blood and lymphatics. It also helps against gout because uric acid, the cause of gout, is removed from the body more quickly when you eat clover. The Essaic tea is also said to cleanse the blood and liver.


Clover works well for respiratory diseases. It helps against asthma and brochchitis. Clover also prevents annoying coughs and nighttime coughing in children. It works well against chronic colds. If it is used against coughing, it is made into a syrup. You can make your own clover syrup by mixing dried or fresh clover with honey. The dried version has a longer shelf life than the version with fresh clover.

Relaxing effect of clover

Clover is also good for relaxing. It relaxes the muscles and nerves. Moreover, it has a harmonizing effect on the feeling. Rashes such as eczema and acne can also disappear. Skin rashes are always related to stress, often in combination with eating too many trans fats. Because clover has a purifying effect on the liver and the blood, it works in both directions, the liver is able to dismantle toxins more quickly and remove them normally and your body and nervous system can handle stressful situations better.White mountain clover / Source: Bernd Haynold, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-2.5)

Resolve menopausal complaints with clover

Clover is good against menopausal complaints. Belching and depression are counteracted by drinking clover tea. There are more herbal medicines for depression, for example St John’s wort. According to researchers, this is due to the phytoestrogens in clover. Osteoporosis is also counteracted by drinking clover tea, possibly in combination with eating clover as a vegetable. Some isoflavones work as natural bioidentical hormones so you don’t have to take pills with artificial hormones.

A healthy prostate with clover

Clover works well for a healthy prostate. Prostate enlargement can be resolved by drinking clover tea for several days. Clovers work preventively against BPH or prostate enlargement. In addition, clover tea has a preventive effect against prostate cancer.

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