Tips and advice to improve your memory

Everyone forgets things sometimes and many people regularly forget where they put certain items, but what happens when this really becomes a problem and you increasingly forget things? Should you just sit down and let it happen or are there ways to refresh your memory? There is always the opportunity to improve memory. It may not be the same as before, but it can improve. How do you do that?

Stay mentally active for a long time

Brains do not wear out with use, on the contrary; the more we use them, the better they continue to perform. So stay mentally active for a long time, that is, interested in the world around you. Seek out the company of other people, read newspapers, delve into a subject that is new to you. Even at an older age you can still learn something and enjoy it. The more you stay focused on life, the better you will function mentally.The fact that you are no longer working does not mean that you are out of work. Many people would like to call on you. You could do volunteer work so that you remain socially active and productive. This not only benefits society, but also yourself. Because you remain in the middle of life, mental decline will have less of an effect on you.

Memory games

Memory can also be trained through memory games. Think of doing puzzles and practicing remembering things. For example, only take the shopping list as a check, first do the shopping from memory and then check what you have forgotten. There are also other options to stay mentally active, for example use memory games on the iPad (fitbrains, brain school, etc.).

Write down

Writing things down not only helps as a support by allowing you to read back what you needed to remember, but writing it down also helps you remember the information better.


Try to limit yourself to one thing at a time and do things mindfully. You may not remember something you do thoughtlessly, but when you are focused you remember things better.


It is important that you regularly have company. This helps to keep you mentally and emotionally healthy. After all, a human being is essentially a social animal. So make sure you have company. Join a sports club for people over 55, do crafts together, play billiards or play cloverjacks. Volunteer and join a cycling club. Do something that suits your interests and don’t sit there moping alone, then you will stay healthy longer.

Plan well

If you provide clear days that are well organized in advance, you are also less likely to forget something. You know where to go, what to take with you and what is expected of you and when the weekly schedule is approximately the same every week, you are less likely to forget something. Of course, this does not mean that nothing spontaneous should ever happen.

Peace and regularity

Rest is important because someone who is rested can concentrate better. Regularity is also important because a certain routine becomes a kind of automatic and is therefore more difficult to forget. Try to be rested, but not to stay in bed for too long. Getting up around the same time every day and having some sort of morning routine also provides longer mental stimulation. Laziness, on the other hand, does not promote physical and mental well-being.

To move

Make sure you get enough exercise. It is true that a healthy mind thrives best in a healthy body. Enough exercise means half an hour of activity every day. What activity is, of course, has everything to do with your age and health. Think of walking, cycling or working in the garden.

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