Tips to relieve rheumatic pain?

It sounds very logical! If you are overweight, your body carries too much weight, which puts additional strain on your joints. The answer is clear, lose weight to reduce the impact of joint pain. The less pressure on the joints, the less pain it will cause. In addition to losing weight, what tips are there to reduce swelling and to reduce rheumatic pains due to toxins?

Tips for rheumatic pain

  • What is rheumatism?
  • Symptoms of rheumatic pains
  • Influence of obesity
  • Lose weight and exercise
  • Tips for a healthy lifestyle


What is rheumatism?

To allow joints to move and rotate smoothly, joints consist of tendons, bursae and interlocking heads and sockets or bone parts that abut each other. Rheumatism is the condition in which the synovium, the soft, movable material between the bone parts that acts as the oil for smooth movement, becomes inflamed. Rheumatism is usually referred to as rheumatoid arthritis, but osteoarthritis, gout and other conditions also fall under the heading of rheumatism. If the synovium is infected, it swells, causing pressure and pain in the joints. As a result, the joints can become warm and red, making it difficult or impossible to perform normal movements.

Symptoms of rheumatic pains

In general, rheumatism is characterized by joint stiffness and pain during movement. But what other symptoms can be identified if there is a rheumatic disease?:

  • Due to the inflammation, the fluid pressure in the joint increases, causing the joint to hurt when moving;
  • the inflammation causes the surrounding tissue of the joint to swell and swell;
  • there are often multiple joints where the condition causes swelling;
  • the fluid in the synovium no longer lubricates properly, making the movement of the joint less smooth;
  • the shape of the synovium may change, causing it to protrude. This can eventually lead to a bulge on the muscles or tendons.


Influence of obesity

All weight hanging from the body must be dragged by the body. If you are overweight, there is often too much fat in the body, which puts high pressure on the joints. In addition, one has a generally reduced condition. If you lose ten kilos, this will immediately have a relieving effect on the joints. Excess weight also causes the body to retain toxins precisely because:

  • the cross section of the veins is reduced due to encrusted fats, causing blood to flow more slowly. This leads to reduced fluid and toxin removal, in addition to high blood pressure;
  • body processes do not run optimally due to unhealthy nutrition. The liver works relatively too slowly because the proportion of HDL in the blood is too low. As a result, fats cannot be sufficiently purified from the body;
  • Excessive alcohol use causes the muscles around the kidneys to dry out, which, in addition to rheumatism, can also cause cramped lower back muscles. This can result in you being awake at night due to rheumatism in combination with a itchy right upper leg.


Lose weight and exercise

Exercise and losing weight decrease the proportion of fat in the body. This is fat that is of no use to you, but it makes the body feel energyless, lifeless and unhealthy. If you lose weight, the proportion of fat in the body decreases rapidly. You also need relatively less energy, because you have to carry less with you. In addition, exercise ensures that muscles are active and stronger. Fat equals slow energy, which is used during rest. Furthermore, muscles ensure that the energy demand from fats (from food) increases, which reduces fat storage. In addition, exercise ensures that lactic acid is removed from tissue, which also provides relief from muscle and joint pain.

Tips for a healthy lifestyle

To reduce the pressure on the joints, it is important to lose weight. If you want to lose weight, you have to do so gradually. This does not mean that you have to lose many kilos in a short time as this is unhealthy for the body. Follow these tips:

  • lose weight by consuming healthy carbohydrates in combination with unsaturated fats;
  • add vinegar to food on a daily basis, as it stimulates the breakdown of fats;
  • drink fresh orange juice three times a day to stimulate the liver to produce HDL;
  • limits alcohol consumption to a maximum of two glasses per day. A little alcohol in the blood is beneficial for several bodily functions.

In addition, the following tips to obtain additional relief from rheumatic pain.

Drink rooibos tea

Rooibos tea calms you down and no additional theine (adrenaline stimulating) enters the body. This can also have a beneficial effect on blood pressure and joint pain.

Drink dandelion tea

This ensures that fluid is removed from the body and also has an expelling effect on uric acid, which is partly the cause of joint pain. In addition, it stimulates the metabolism, which is useful for losing weight and reducing pressure on the joints. In addition, drink nettle tea because it has an anti-inflammatory effect and because it purifies toxins from the body.


Apply an ointment containing thyme, nettle and/or comfrey to the swelling to reduce it. Vinegar in a cloth can also provide cooling, reducing the size of the swelling.


In case of extreme and unbearable pain, an adrenocortical hormone can be injected into the synovium. This has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Keep moving because this is beneficial for muscle growth, circulation, weight and removal of toxins. If necessary, go to physiotherapy for this.

read more

  • Dandelion tea against rheumatism and other conditions!
  • How can you deal with Arthritis and painful joints?
  • Recognize and treat rheumatism faster
  • JIA, juvenile rheumatism: growth retardation and painful joints
  • Allopurinol: medicine for rheumatism, gout, kidney stones and cancer

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