Provide first aid to children

Accidents are inevitable, especially when children are involved. Something can sometimes go wrong while playing and investigating; from an abrasion to a broken bone. Then it is useful to know what kind of first aid you can provide to a child.

Medicine cabinet

What should be standard in your medicine cabinet:First-aid kit with gauze, plasters, etc.

  • disinfectant (Dettol for example)
  • Iodine/betadine
  • Tweezers
  • Tick remover


Little accidents


An abrasion is easy to treat by rinsing the wound with lukewarm water. You do not need to use iodine or betadine, but you should put a plaster on it so that no further bacteria can enter the wound.

Nose bleeding

If your child has a nosebleed, have him/her blow his/her nose once to remove any clots. Then pinch the nose closed with your thumb and index finger (push the nostrils against the septum) for about 10 minutes. It is not necessary to tilt your head back while doing this. If the bleeding has not stopped after 10 minutes, it is better to consult a doctor.

Finger clamp

It may happen that your child’s finger(s) get stuck in a door, cupboard or window. In this case, keep the finger(s) under water for at least 5 minutes. The finger may look a bit blue. After a few days the finger will look normal again.

Blue nail

Sometimes pinching or bumping a finger can cause a blue nail. Subcutaneous bleeding has occurred under the nail. The nail is already loose. Do not try to remove the nail as it will come off on its own. Meanwhile, a new nail is growing underneath. In the meantime, it is better to put a bandage on the finger. This prevents the nail from getting caught on something.

Object/insect in nose or ear

If it concerns an insect, have your child blow his/her nose once if it is in the nose. If the insect is in his/her ear, drop some water in the ear and see if the insect comes out. If the insect does not come out in either case, call your doctor. Don’t try to get it out yourself. If an object is stuck in the nose or ear, do not try to pry the object out yourself, as this could damage the nose or ear. In this case, go to the emergency room at the hospital.

Bigger accidents

Tooth out

If a tooth has fallen out of your teeth due to an accident, it is first necessary to know whether it is a baby tooth or not. In both cases (after giving your child a cloth to stop the bleeding), locate the tooth as quickly as possible. Store the tooth in a layer of milk. In the case of a baby tooth, it cannot be put back (baby teeth are replaced anyway), but you should take the tooth to the dentist to have it checked. If it is not a baby tooth, rinse the tooth with some water or milk and first try to put the tooth (if the root is still attached) back into the teeth. There is a chance that in this case the tooth will grow back. In any case, it is important to see a dentist as soon as possible. If the tooth is fixed within 20 minutes, it can still be saved.

Broken bone

Is your child unable to move the injured part properly? Then there is a chance that it is a bone fracture. The most important thing is that you do not move the hurt/broken body part. If it concerns an arm or part of the arm, apply a sling to keep the arm still. Then go to the emergency room at the hospital. If it concerns a broken leg, it will be difficult to take your child to the emergency room without moving him/her. In that case, it is better to call the ambulance service to have your child picked up. You can cut away any clothing that may be in the way.

Skin burns

In case of a burn, do not use cold water on the wound or burn ointment, as this can increase the risk of infection. Rinse the wound with lukewarm water for at least 10 minutes, possibly in the shower. After cooling, cover the wound with a bandage or a sterile compress that does not stick. Then go to the emergency room at the hospital if it concerns a 2nd or 3rd degree burn. If it is a first-degree burn, a visit to the doctor for a check-up is sufficient.


If the cut was caused by glass and there are pieces of glass in the wound, do not try to remove them yourself, but have a doctor do this. If you have a cut caused by something other than glass, first rinse it with cold water (this time) and bandage it with a sterile bandage if possible. Depending on the severity of the wound, you will either go to the doctor or the emergency department in the hospital.

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