The medicinal power of radish

Radishes are a tasty vegetable that you can eat raw. They taste slightly sharp. Radishes are the root of the plant but the leaves are basically edible, but that doesn’t happen often. Radishes are also eaten as sprouts. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.


  • Fiber in radish
  • Anticancer vegetable
  • Radishes against obesity
  • Detox effect of radish
  • Radish, good for the kidneys
  • Nutritional value of radish
  • Radish eating tips


Fiber in radish

Radishes contain a lot of fiber. These help other nutrients to be digested better. The nutrients are absorbed more evenly by the blood. This makes the radish effective against any disease, but especially against diverticulitis, heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer. The radish can keep various lifestyle diseases at bay due to the many antioxidants it contains.

Anticancer vegetable

According to research conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Dehli, India, it was found that substances in radishes affect the development of cancer cells leading to apoptosis, the sudden death of cancer cells. Radishes are therefore an excellent vegetable for a diet during chemotherapy. It contains all kinds of anthocyanins that ensure that toxins are removed from the body. Vitamin C works as an antioxidant that fights free radicals. These free radicals can cause damage to cells. They can also destroy the DNA of cells, paving the way for cancer to develop. In particular, cancers in the intestines are combated. It is also good against oral cancer and kidney cancer.

Radishes against obesity

Radishes contain no fat and very few calories. It does contain a lot of nutrients. Radish will fill you up quickly. It is therefore promoted as a vegetable that is good to eat if you want to lose weight.You can buy radish seeds in an organic store to make your own sprouts. These seeds are edible as sprouts after 5 days. 

Detox effect of radish

Radish is good for digestion because it contains a lot of fiber. Radish prevents constipation. It helps remove unnecessary toxins from the body and stimulates the functioning of the kidneys. The kidneys store toxins so that they cannot cause damage to the body. Eating radishes makes the kidneys work harder to remove toxins. Radish is an excellent ‘detox vegetable’ because of its digestive and kidney function-stimulating effects.

Radish, good for the kidneys

Radishes help flush toxins from the kidneys. Radishes act as a natural diuretic. A synthesized diuretic is also sold as a medicine, more commonly known as a diuretic. Radishes are a natural remedy that promotes water excretion by the kidneys. A diuretic pill has the same effect. When toxins build up in the kidneys, it can lead to kidney disease. Eating radishes regularly can therefore have a preventive effect against kidney disease.

Nutritional value of radish

As small as the radish is, it is packed with vitamins. Radishes contain a lot of vitamin C and vitamin K. The vitamin B complex is well represented with B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine) and B11 (folic acid). It contains all kinds of minerals, although not in large quantities. Fortunately, minerals are found in many different vegetables. The small radish contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and manganese. That’s a large amount of phytonutrients for such a small piece of vegetable.

Radish eating tips

Radishes are ideal for spicing up a salad. The sharp taste combines well with a sour dressing of vinegar or lemon juice. The radish is an ideal snack vegetable. It is therefore best to place radishes on a plate with cherry tomatoes, cucumber and carrot so that you serve a snack vegetable mix to your guests. This makes it an ideal addition to a platter with mixed snack vegetables. Radishes also fit in a vegetable smoothie. Try mixing a few radishes with a little ginger and a whole cucumber. Add some herbs such as fresh thyme, parsley and basil and you have a delicious and super healthy drink.

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