Cure, treat, prevent food poisoning

Food poisoning occurs when our food contains toxins, chemicals, bacteria, viruses or parasites. The symptoms of food poisoning are: diarrhea, abdominal cramps, vomiting and nausea. Other organs – such as kidneys, liver and brain – can also be affected. Diarrhea and vomiting can also lead to dehydration. Below are some tips to prevent, treat and cure food poisoning.

Cure and treat food poisoning

Lukewarm water

There’s nothing like drinking plenty of water when you’re suffering from food poisoning. Especially after vomiting, it is recommended to drink a little lukewarm water. This soothes the stomach and reduces abdominal cramps.


Make a paste of fresh ginger and buttermilk. Take this two to three times a day. Also effective is a mixture of lemon juice and ginger extract. You can drink three tablespoons of this three times a day.

Cumin and fenugreek

Dissolve a little cumin and Fenugreek (powdered) in a glass of water. Drinking this solution relieves nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

Herbal infusion

Make a herbal infusion based on mint, raspberry, chamomile and blackcurrant. Drink several cups of this per day.


Consult your doctor immediately if one or more of the following symptoms occur:

  • Fever
  • Blood in the stool
  • Dehydration (characterized by lightheadedness, weakness, low urine output)
  • Diarrhea that lasts for more than 72 hours


Preventing food poisoning

Wash hands

Always wash your hands before preparing, serving and eating food.

Lemon juice

Drink a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice every night before going to bed (possibly diluted with a little water). This ensures easy digestion and makes bowel movements smoother.

Fried food

Never eat fried food outside the home. After all, you can never be sure whether or not the oil is fresh and of good quality.

Fresh, cooked food

Eat only fresh and cooked food. This is the best guarantee to avoid microbes and parasites.

Fridge and kitchen utensils

Keep your refrigerator as clean and hygienic as possible at all times. The same applies to kitchen utensils such as cutlery, plates, cutting boards, cloths, carving knives, etc. Use a lemon-based dishwashing product.

Expiration date

Check the expiration date of all food before purchasing and consuming it.

Milk, cake and bread

Never store milk, cake, pie and bread for longer than one day.


Many people reuse the leftover oil after heating something in the pan or wok. However, the oil has since undergone a chemical reaction that can seriously endanger health.

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