Itchy thigh (left or right) keeps you awake!

The body needs a good night’s sleep, but sometimes irritations keep you awake. A common irritation is having an itchy thigh (left or right) just above the knee that can go up into the thigh. It is as if there is an insect under the skin, but sometimes it can cause stabbing pains. This condition can persist for a long time, causing the person to have difficulty sleeping every night. What causes an itchy thigh and what can be done about it?

Itchy thigh

  • Causes of itchy thigh
  • Cause of cramped lower back muscles
  • Direct lighting
  • How further?
  • Yoga poses


Causes of itchy thigh

Having itchy or stabbing sensations in the legs can be caused as follows.

Neurological disease

You may have had a small stroke in the past, which caused some damage to the brain. As a result, the brain stimulates the nerves in an unusual way, which can cause the jitters.

Protruding spinal disc in lower back

This is also called a hernia. This can cause the nerves to become slightly pinched, causing tingling to be felt in the leg. Naturally, other symptoms apply to a hernia. A useful test to do is to lift the extended leg when lying down. This will make the pain in the leg worse, but coughing or straining will also worsen the symptoms. Normally this applies to the intervertebral disc between vertebrae four and five, causing the pains in the lower legs. The tickling sensation above the knee is caused by problems around the intervertebral disc between the first, second and third vertebrae.

Lower back cramp

In addition to the previous common reasons, it can also be due to cramped and tight lower back muscles. This also occurs more often as we get older, because the acid content of the body increases. This increases the risk of cramps and pain. In addition, it may be due to the kidneys.The above already indicates that of the three possible conditions, the first two are often excluded from causing thigh itch. More information about cramped lower back muscles is explained below.

Cause of cramped lower back muscles

The kidneys are partly embedded in the lower back muscles. If there is a problem with the kidneys, this will affect the lower back muscles. Drinking a lot of coffee, alcohol and consuming a lot of salty food causes the kidney region and therefore the muscles to become relatively dry and painful. This results in cramping of the lower back muscles. This can cause a disruption in the nerve pathways of the lower back. The lower back muscles are attached to the lower part of the vertebra. In other words, the following symptoms may apply:

  • an itchy right thigh;
  • lumbago or lower back pain (this symptom may occur, but is not necessarily present).


Direct lighting

If the lower back area is touched, it will often result in pain, precisely because the muscles are cramped. Massaging the entire spine with a lot of attention to the lower back ensures that the muscles become loose again. Loose muscles ensure that the lower part of the spine is not pulled hard. It is important to massage the lower back regularly, and specific yoga exercises for the back can also provide a solution. Having that itchy right thigh will disappear.

How further?

Because the complaints are related to eating behavior, the solution must also be found in adjusting food intake. The muscles cramp because relative dehydration occurs. The following advice should be followed to prevent the itchy leg that keeps you from sleeping:

  • Have the lower back and vertebra treated by a specialized masseur in the first month. The muscles must loosen completely;
  • don’t drink coffee and alcohol because they dehydrate you. Alcohol stops the ADH hormone, which prevents the kidneys from recycling fluid;
  • avoid too much salt, do not eat lemon or orange;
  • avoid canned food and quick meals as they contain a lot of salt;
  • drink at least two liters of water per day. This excludes fluid from soft drinks, tea, etc.


Yoga poses

You can improve many aspects of the body with yoga postures. Organs will function better, muscles will become flexible and you will become more confident. The following daily postures are good for the lower back (start with this carefully in the beginning).

Child pose

This is the position in which one lies relaxed, as it were, with the arms stretched forward or backward;cobra pose: in this pose you lie on your stomach, with your shoulders and head pulled back. The hands support this position.

Half spinal twist

Lie on the floor and look up. The knees are drawn up. Then move the knees to the left while the back remains glued to the floor. Do the movement from left to right.

read more

  • What causes a tingling leg?
  • What can you do if your leg is sleeping?
  • Severe pain at the back of the leg from bottom to heel
  • Hamstring injury: severe pain, cramp in the back of the thigh
  • Painful side of thigh and buttocks: trochanteric inflammation

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