How does the magnesium diet help with diseases and conditions?

Important processes in the body are controlled by minerals such as magnesium, calcium, zinc and iron. These minerals are therefore essential for the overall health of the body. Many minerals help the vitamins in the body to carry out healthy work. Magnesium ensures that several hundred enzymes get to work, carrying out the necessary body processes. It is therefore important that every person consumes sufficient magnesium for a healthy body, but this often turns out to be insufficient. Which body processes does the magnesium diet stimulate and which foods do you need to consume to have sufficient magnesium in the body?

Magnesium diet

  • What does it take care of in the body?
  • Which food sources are suitable?
  • The magnesium diet for diseases and conditions


What does it take care of in the body?

Minerals are needed to control many body processes and functions. Magnesium ensures that:

  • energy can be extracted from food, so that the body can carry out all processes in a day as best as possible;
  • memory is improved and the ability to concentrate is strengthened;
  • muscles, blood vessels and nerves feel relaxed;
  • neurotransmitters are stimulated to better transmit signals to the brain;
  • adequate resistance is offered to the influence of stress and tension;
  • it helps strengthen teeth, bones and the skeleton;
  • increases the strength of the heart muscles and improves the health of blood vessels.


Which food sources are suitable?

It is known that magnesium ends up in our food through absorption from the soil in crops, vegetables and fruit. Over the years that we have been extracting nutrients from the soil, the amount of magnesium in the soil decreases and therefore also in our food. Compared to earlier times, the amount of magnesium in food has decreased on average by twenty percent. It is therefore becoming increasingly difficult for humans to consume the necessary amount of magnesium. The following foods still contain relatively much magnesium:

  • all green vegetables such as lettuce, kale, spinach (also contain many iron particles);
  • whole grains and products made from soy beans;
  • nuts and cocoa (hazelnut chocolate is therefore extremely suitable);
  • beer;
  • crustaceans.

All in all, it is difficult to consume enough magnesium. Taking additional vitamin and mineral tablets therefore seems to be a suitable method to provide the body with magnesium. This way, all bodily functions can run optimally in a healthy way.

The magnesium diet for diseases and conditions

It is good for everyone to take supplementary magnesium, because magnesium supports many body processes and functions. However, it is also recommended to follow a magnesium diet or take supplements for a number of diseases and conditions. For example, think of:

Heart and vascular disease

Thrombosis, myocardial infarction or stroke are common causes of death. Blood circulation will improve in combination with medication, and the properties of the vascular wall will also be improved;Multiple Sclerosis and Muscle Diseases .This is an increasing deterioration of body processes in the body. Magnesium in particular stimulates the processes and can have a positive effect. In muscle diseases, the mineral calcium causes muscles to contract and cramp, while magnesium relaxes the muscles;

Forgetfulness and stress

dementia and Alzheimer’s: The mineral ensures improved memory and increasing concentration. You can reduce tension and stress by taking the mineral;

Reduced metabolism causing weight gain

The mineral releases energy from food, so you have enough energy for day and night. A magnesium deficiency ensures that less food is burned and therefore energy is stored in the body in the form of fats.Please note that the previous magnesium diet is based on insights. However, it has not yet been shown that it will effectively improve the condition of the disease or condition. It will only improve the necessary body processes, which may lead to an improvement in the sick person.

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