The medicinal power of legumes

Legumes are not vegetables but seeds of plants from the legume family that can be dried so that they can be stored for decades. Legumes are super healthy and can be very tasty. There are dozens of types of legumes for sale in the Netherlands. Legumes are particularly known for containing a lot of fiber, iron and protein. It is a very healthy food that you can use as the basis of a meal instead of rice, potatoes or pasta. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.


  • Butterfly flower family
  • The different types of legumes
  • Legumes grow with society
  • Extremely long shelf life
  • The peanut bean
  • The broad bean
  • Legumes, good meat substitute
  • Healthier living
  • Eating tips for legumes


Butterfly flower family

Legumes are the seeds of plants from the legume family. It is a plant that grows very differently from vegetables. Therefore, it is not really a vegetable, although when it is on the plate it is called a vegetable. In English they are called ‘legumes’ and not ‘vegetables’. Legume comes from the French word for vegetable. Legumes are called Fabacées or legumeuses in French.

The different types of legumes

Kidney beans garter broad bean lupine prosopis carob peanut
lentils sugar snaps runner bean soya bean tamarind winged bean borlotti bean
kidney beans green beans string beans white bean black bean pea chickpeas
Capuchins alfalfa lapwing bean small lima bean yellow-eyed beans butter beans gigantes
snow peas clover black eyed beans simbonen aduki beans appaloosa beans rosecoco beans

 Lentils come in all kinds of colors. White lentils, yellow lentils, red lentils, brown lentils and white brown speckled lentils are on the shelves in many tropical stores. Lentils are primarily an Indian delicacy; where they are prepared into delicious dishes. At many Indian restaurants you get a standard dal dish with lentils. 

Legumes grow with society

Lentils have been part of the menu for thousands of years. Beans and all related legumes were a popular addition to the meal of both Arabs in the Middle East and the Mayans in Central and South America. Legumes have evolved along with civilization. They were bred again and again. Legumes were very popular during the time of the Romans. In a way they contributed to the military success of the Romans because a large army also needed to be fed and they found legumes an easy to carry food.

Extremely long shelf life

In the past, legumes were often stocked in emergency rations. The legume has a shelf life of many decades, some people even say it has a shelf life of 100 years. Nowadays, according to the codex alimentarius, the packaging of legumes must contain a date, but that is actually a formality that has little effect. Entire nuclear bomb shelters were full of legumes so that people would have food for years to come. The army often used the relatively light legume as provisions. All you have to do is find fresh water to prepare a delicious meal. This becomes difficult in emergencies ; then you have to distill water.

The peanut bean

The peanut is a tropical bean that grows underground. Many people think it is a nut, but that is not the case, because it belongs to the butterfly flower family. Moreover, a peanut must first be boiled before it can be eaten. The underground peanut bean is a special bean and an exception of its kind. All other beans grow above ground.

The broad bean

Broad beans are fresh beans. These have not been dried first. You can also eat the shell of broad beans, although this does not happen often in the Netherlands. In Turkey people eat the shell of the broad bean.

Legumes, good meat substitute

Legumes are the ideal meat substitute , especially when eaten in combination with nuts, seeds and grains that also contain natural proteins. Legumes are an excellent vegetarian source of protein.

Healthier living

Legumes are packed with iron and protein. Legumes can contribute to a healthier life because less and actually no meat is necessary if one eats a portion of legumes daily. In this way, the legume can prevent diseases such as high blood pressure. Legumes contain fiber, which makes food easier to digest.

Eating tips for legumes

Legumes should be cooked, but not for too long. They are very tasty when cooked. You can make an excellent stock or soup from the cooking liquid. It is nice to fry boiled beans with onions, garlic and red pepper. Legumes are also great to fry with potatoes. You can puree legumes, make round balls, flatten them to a centimeter thickness and then fry them; then you have a burger-like slice that is healthier than meat. You can supplement this disk with cheese and some nuts or seeds such as pumpkin seeds and pine nuts. It is nice to mix loose baked beans on your plate with grated Dutch cheese so that the cheese melts quickly.

read more

  • The healing power of kidney beans
  • The healing power of cauliflower
  • The fresh healing power of cloves
  • Popular wild vegetables

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