Following a diet, but different!

Dieting is a necessary evil for many people. When we think about dieting, it is usually assumed that people need to lose weight. However, it also happens that people are too thin and start dieting to gain weight. Overweight people often see this as a luxury problem. However, someone who is underweight can experience this as just as much of a problem as someone who is overweight. Less attention is paid to this problem, because only 1.6% of the adult Dutch population suffers from it.

When do you speak of underweight?

According to the Body Mass Index (BMI), a value of 18.5 or lower is considered underweight. The BMI determines the ideal body weight for men and women aged 20 and older. A BMI between 20 and 25 is considered a normal value. This amounts to a body fat percentage of 12 to 20 percent for men, 20 to 30 percent for women. You can easily have your BMI tested. There are many tests available on the internet that you can do yourself. Your BMI is calculated based on your gender, age, height and weight.

Risks of being underweight

Being underweight can put you at various health risks. If you don’t get enough good nutrients, your overall condition can deteriorate. This makes you feel tired, lethargic and dizzy. Your body has almost no body fat. This means that there is no energy reserve in the body. When exercising, the body uses other things, such as muscles, kidneys, liver and other organs. If your BMI falls below 18, you run the risk of osteoporosis. It is then advisable to consult your doctor. He can possibly refer you to a dietician.If the underweight has a psychological cause whereby people consciously starve themselves (e.g. anorexia nervosa), then there is a risk that the underweight will become so serious that all organs will be affected. There is then a chance that someone will die. If there is a psychological cause, it is advisable to seek psychological help.

What causes underweight?

Every person is different. Some people get fat from just a glass of water, others can eat whatever they want and not gain an ounce of weight. This has to do with predisposition. If you exercise a lot, you have to adjust your diet accordingly. If you take in fewer calories than you use during exercise, you can lose weight. After surgery it is also possible that you lose some kilos. Lack of appetite, for whatever reason, can be detrimental to weight for someone with a predisposition to being underweight. It is more difficult for underweight people to regain lost kilos than for overweight people to lose weight.You can also become underweight due to physical conditions. These can be various conditions, such as gastrointestinal disorders, chronic infectious diseases or severe burns. For these causes, it is always important that the treating physician looks for a solution.A dangerous cause of being underweight is suffering from an eating disorder. In the eating disorder anorexia nervosa, people have a distorted image of themselves. When they look in the mirror , they see, in their experience, a fat person, even if their BMI is dangerously low. This is most common in young girls around puberty.

What can you do about being underweight?

By ensuring a healthy diet, with sufficient proteins, vitamins and minerals, you ensure that you get the right nutrients every day. Women need at least 2300 Kcal per day, men 2500 Kcal. It is important to consume at least the required number of Kcal per day.If you are still not gaining weight, you can consult a dietitian. The dietitian will give you some advice:

  • Have a snack regularly
  • Take several smaller portions per day
  • Don’t eat too much fat, because fat inhibits your appetite
  • Eat energy-rich foods (pasta, rice, etc.)
  • Choose high-calorie toppings (bacon, salami)
  • Do not choose light products
  • Exercise, this promotes muscle mass
  • Take your time to eat
  • Create a relaxed atmosphere while eating
  • Use Fantomalt (Fantomalt is a supplementary diet powder for anyone who needs extra calories)

If the cause of being underweight is due to physical or psychological conditions, it is always wise to consult a doctor or psychiatrist. The seriousness of being underweight is underestimated by many people. This is because many more people are overweight. They see underweight as a luxury problem and do not take the problem of underweight people seriously. This can cause irritation in people with this condition. Comments such as: “What are you whining about, you’re nice and slim” or “Wouldn’t you eat a little more, you won’t gain weight anyway”, are frequently used statements towards people who are underweight.Underweight people can get an inferiority complex from this. If you are very thin, there is not much of your figure left. Your bones protrude, your face falls and those around you often make comments about whether you are eating enough. This can be very frustrating. The media only talks about diets against obesity. This in itself makes sense, because there are many more overweight people than underweight people. This gives underweight people the idea that they should not complain about their problem. Many people think they should be happy that they can eat everything.If you are really bothered by your underweight , visit a dietician. With good tips and a bit of guidance, you will hopefully be able to gain a few extra pounds.

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