Phosphorus, the all-regulating mineral

Phosphorus is an important mineral that makes up 1% of our body weight. Phosphorus is in every body cell. Phosphorus plays an important role in many body processes. After calcium, phosphorus is the most abundant mineral in our body. There is more than enough phosphorus in our food, but sometimes even too much. Those who drink a lot of soft drinks, eat meat and indulge in pre-packaged meals have a greater risk of developing diseases due to phosphorus surpluses than those who consume natural food and drinks. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.


  • What does phosphorus do?
  • Good phosphorus balance is important
  • Phosphorus deficiency
  • Phosphorus surplus
  • Be careful with soft drinks and meat
  • What does natural phosphorus contain?
  • Phosphorus from vegetable sources is best


What does phosphorus do?

Phosphorus is important for the production of our bones, digestion, the production of hormones, the formation of proteins, the absorption of nutrients from food and the repair capacity of cells. Many chemical reactions depend on the level of phosphorus in the body. In the field of nutrition, chemical reactions of phosphorus are mainly accompanied by the conversions of vitamins from the B complex.

Good phosphorus balance is important

Phosphorus helps build genetic DNA and RNA material. In addition, phosphorus ensures the balance of other minerals such as iodine, magnesium and zinc. The phosphorus balance is an important condition for good health. This balance can be disrupted by alcohol abuse and a whole host of different medications. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can lead to a phosphorus deficiency. Medication use can either cause a deficiency or a phosphorus surplus. This can lead to all kinds of physical and psychological problems.

Phosphorus deficiency

A deficiency of phosphorus can lead to a wide range of diseases, from toothaches, joint pain and uncontrollable muscle contractions to psychological conditions such as insensitivity and fits of rage. Fatigue can also be a consequence of phosphorus deficiencies. Phosphorus, together with calcium and magnesium, is necessary for bone production. A shortage of phosphorus or an overkill of calcium can therefore lead to brittle bones.Broccoli contains phosphorus. / Source: Rasbak, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0)

Phosphorus surplus

A disease due to a phosphorus deficiency is more difficult to contract with a Western diet than a disease due to a phosphorus surplus. Phosphorus is often found in processed drinks such as soft drinks, pre-packaged meals and meat. A phosphorus surplus can lead to calcification of the organs, especially the kidneys. Too much phosphorus can directly lead to diarrhea. Vitamin D production is compromised by too much phosphorus.

Be careful with soft drinks and meat

Soft drinks and meat contain relatively much phosphorus. Because phosphorus naturally occurs together with calcium, consuming these nutrients disrupts the balance between calcium and phosphorus, which leads to the body finding that there is a calcium deficiency to carry out all chemical processes in the body. The body’s response is to take calcium from the bones which can lead to weaker bones and teeth. The kidneys normally remove excess phosphorus from the blood. But people with a kidney problem have reduced kidney function. That is why kidney patients must be extra careful when drinking soft drinks and eating meat

What does natural phosphorus contain?

In general, phosphorus is high in whole grain grains. Muesli and organic bread are excellent sources of phosphorus. This mineral is also found in cheese, seeds and nuts. In addition, legumes contain a lot of phosphorus. The advantage of phosphorus from plant foods is that the calcium-phosphorus balance is not disturbed. Calcium is also frequently found in plant foods. Because phosphorus and calcium are needed together for various chemical processes in the body, it is better for your health to eat them together.

  1. Whole grains such as whole wheat grain,
  2. Pumpkin seeds and melon seeds,
  3. Cheese,
  4. Peanut butter,
  5. Corn,
  6. Sesame seeds / Source: Les, Wikimedia Commons (Public domain)


  1. sunflower seeds,
  2. Sesame seed,
  3. Flax seed,
  4. Garlic,
  5. Legumes,
  6. Nuts and
  7. Dried fruits.


Phosphorus from vegetable sources is best

Scientists state that phosphorus deficiencies hardly occur, but many people do not eat the right form of phosphorus. Eating natural ingredients with phosphorus is different from consuming the phosphorus that comes from pre-processed products. Healthy phosphorus is mainly found in legumes, nuts, whole grains, brown rice and seeds. Phosphorus is also found in man-made things, especially soft drinks such as cola, orange, cassis, bitter lemon and the like, but that is a different type of phosphorus that actually works against good health. Scientific research shows that phosphorus from processed drinks and food removes calcium from the body.

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  • Iron in food; an indispensable element
  • Potassium, good for the brain, muscles and nerves
  • The mineral manganese in food
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