Bruised wrist: treatment and recovery

A bruised wrist often accompanies a wrist sprain. Anyone who has bruised their wrist feels a lot of pain, even at rest. The wrist can be taped using a pressure bandage. Treatment often consists of painkillers and rest. How long does it take to recover from a wrist bruise?

What is a bruised wrist?

With a bruise, tissues are pressed against hard parts (bone), causing damage to tissue, muscles and/or bone. A bruise is different from a broken bone: the bone is actually broken in one or more places.A wrist bruise is the result of compressing tissues against the bone or vice versa. This often occurs during sports, a fall or a blow to the wrist. A wrist bruise often occurs in combination with a sprain: small tears in the wrist ligaments.

Recognizing a bruised wrist

A bruised wrist associated with a sprain, which occurs in most cases, will quickly become swollen. The bruise can cause bruising. A red-blue spot appears on the skin. This spot occurs because veins are torn or damaged and start to leak blood. There is often pain when pressure is applied to the area.A bruised wrist does not cause axial pressure pain. Axis pressure pain can be controlled by pressing the hand and forearm together. The hand must be kept straight. This method presses the bone parts of the wrist against each other. If there is pain, there is a high risk of a bone fracture. This test is best performed by a doctor or someone who knows how to do it.When bruised, the wrist hurts both at rest and when moving. Bending or stretching the wrist is painful. A bruised wrist can cause even more pain than a broken wrist. If in doubt, it is always better to see a doctor. Sometimes it is unclear whether it is a bruise or a broken bone. In the event of a bone fracture, the wrist will sometimes need to be put in a plaster cast to ensure that it recovers properly. Sometimes a broken wrist can be recognized by a crooked wrist, but this is not always the case.

Treatment and recovery

The treatment first consists of cooling. This prevents swelling and reduces bruising. Cooling also reduces pain. The wrist should be rested, for example by applying a sling. By keeping the pulse higher than the heart area, bruising is reduced. A pressure bandage distributes the pressure evenly over the wrist, reducing pain. A pressure bandage is applied using synthetic cotton wool and a bandage. Distribute the synthetic cotton wool well around the bruise. Then bandage the wrist. This must be done well: including above and below the bruised wrist. The bandage should be firm but not too tight. If in doubt, a doctor can apply a pressure bandage.Recovery from a bruised wrist depends on the degree of bruising. A minor bruise will heal within 1 to 2 weeks. A severely bruised wrist can sometimes take up to six months to fully recover. It is important to take sufficient rest during the recovery period and not to put too much strain on the wrist. However, exercise is important to ensure that the muscles do not weaken. Always move up to the pain threshold: if it hurts a lot, stop the movement. Slight pain may be felt: this will also be felt when the wrist is at rest.In most cases, the doctor will prescribe painkillers for the first few days. This prevents the wrist from remaining still for too long. Only use painkillers as much as necessary and for as long as necessary. Then build it off. Most of the pain is noticeable during the first week, after which it will decrease. Other pain can persist for a long time.Exercising with a bruised wrist is allowed, provided the wrist is not overloaded. Swimming is good for the body and puts very little strain on the wrist. Sports that exert force on the wrist should be avoided. It is best to wear a pressure bandage or sports bandage around the bruised wrist for the first time. This supports the wrist and provides protection.

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