The medicinal power of leek

Leek is related to the onion and can easily be placed in water after purchase to stimulate root growth. Then you place it in the soil. You can cut off five to ten centimeters every day to use in a soup, omelette, vegetable mix with rice or over fried potatoes. Leek goes well with everything. Leek is a member of the garlic family such as onion, celery and garlic. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.


  • Where were leeks first grown?
  • Vitamins in leek
  • Minerals in leek
  • Phytonutrients in leek
  • Healing power of polyphenols
  • Leek is good for the vocal cords
  • Eating tips leek


Where were leeks first grown?

Leek was first described in history by the Sumerians. The Sumerian king Urnammu had leeks grown in the gardens of Ur, one of the most important Sumerian cities, 4,000 years ago. That’s not surprising; Many milestones in the history of modern man are credited to the Sumerians. Nowadays, leeks are grown all over the world. Leek is grown in the Netherlands all year round. Farmers use different varieties of leek; some can handle the cold better; these are grown in the winter months.

Vitamins in leek

Leek contains extremely many nutrients. The leek is full of vitamins. A leek contains the most vitamin A; 100 grams of leek contains 55% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of this substance. The vitamin K content is also impressive: 39% of the RDI. In addition, a leek contains a lot of vitamin C, 20% of the RDI. Pyridoxine or vitamin B6 contains 18% of the RDA. For folic acid or vitamin B11, a value of 16% of the RDA applies. Then, one ounce of leek contains 6% of the RDA for vitamin E and 5% of the RDA for thiamin or vitamin B1.Leek in the field / Source: Jeantosti, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0)

Minerals in leek

Leek is a nice source of minerals. One ounce of leek provides 26% of the RDA for the mineral iron. Buyer can quote half this number: 13%. Zinc contains 11% of the RDI. Magnesium has an RDA percentage of 7%. As far as calcium is concerned, leek contains 6% of the RDI. It contains another 5% of the RDI for phosphorus. The last ones in this list are selenium and manganese, both with 2% of the RDA.

Phytonutrients in leek

In addition to vitamins and minerals, leek also contains many phytonutrients. The flavonoid kaempferol is a substance that is especially good for the blood vessels. Kaempferol stimulates the production of nitric oxide (NO), which relaxes the muscles around the blood vessels. Folic acid in leek is also good for the blood vessels because this substance keeps homocysteine levels in the blood in balance. Too high a homocysteine level increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, a leek contains a lot of polyphenols. The level of polyphenols is higher in the leek relatives garlic and onion. Yet the leek contains more polyphenols per 100 grams than, for example, tomatoes, carrots and red peppers. Polyphenols play an important role in neutralizing harmful effects caused by free radicals.

Healing power of polyphenols

The polyphenols, together with all other phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals, are responsible for the fact that leeks can prevent many diseases or reduce the risk of developing diseases. The most striking examples of this are arteriosclerosis, obesity, type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and respiratory infections caused by allergic reactions.

Leek is good for the vocal cords

The ancient Greeks and Romans praised the leek for its good properties for the throat. Aristotle said that leeks gave him such a clear voice and Emperor Nero said that eating leeks made his voice stronger.Leek flower / Source: Jeantosti, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0)

Eating tips leek

In France people like to eat cold leek soup. That’s a delicacy. First, leeks and potatoes are cooked. These are then blended and seasoned with fried onions with garlic, salt and pepper. You can put a leek in a macaroni or rice dish every day. It is even delicious with baked potatoes or an omelette. You don’t use that much; only cut off a few centimeters of leek. After a week or ten days the leeks are gone. When frying leeks, keep the frying time short because they turn black quickly. Leek is also delicious in soup. Unfortunately, leek is not a tasty vegetable to eat raw due to its overpowering taste. A chef who adds raw leek to a salad still has a lot to learn.

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