The medicinal power of peppers

Paprika is a popular vegetable. The spice paprika powder is made from dried peppers, which can make food taste sharper. Peppers are a very rich source of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. The pepper contains medicinal properties that work adequately against various diseases. In addition, the pepper is a crispy and fresh delicacy. You can eat it straight from your fist. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.


  • Cheerful and popular vegetable
  • Lots of vitamin C and carotenoids
  • Vitamins in peppers
  • Minerals in peppers
  • Phytonutrients in peppers
  • Medicinal activities of pepper
  • Paprika against obesity
  • Amino acid and enzymes in peppers
  • Nutrients and heating
  • Eating tips peppers


Cheerful and popular vegetable

Peppers come in all kinds of colors and shapes. The pepper is available in red, green, orange and yellow. You can really brighten up a salad with it. Red, orange and yellow bell peppers taste slightly sweeter than the green variety. Peppers belong to the nightshade family, just like tomatoes, potatoes and eggplant. The Portuguese and the Spanish adopted the pepper plant from the Aztecs and the Mayans and spread it around the world. The Dutch, French and English later spread this plant further so that it can now be eaten all over the world.

Lots of vitamin C and carotenoids

Peppers are an excellent source of vitamin C and carotenoids. 100 grams of bell peppers contain 213% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for vitamin C and 101% of the RDA for vitamin A. There are 30 different carotenoids in the bell pepper. What is striking about peppers is that they contain more vitamin C as they ripen. The ripeness can be read from its color. The more it shines, the brighter the colors of the pepper, the more vitamins and carotenoids it contains. Some scientific research shows that this maturation process continues after the date of purchase. Peppers stored for 10 days become healthier every day!Source: Pin add, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-2.0)

Vitamins in peppers

In addition to vitamins A and C, the pepper contains other substances from this healthy category: It contains vitamin B6 (22% DV), vitamin B11 (12% DV), vitamin E (11% DV), vitamin B5 (6.5% DV), vitamin B1 (6% DV), thiamin (4.5% DV) and vitamin K (4% DV). These high percentages make the pepper one of the healthiest vegetables available!

Minerals in peppers

The percentages for minerals are a lot less spectacular than those for vitamins. Iron and manganese both contain 5% of the RDA in 100 grams of bell pepper. Phosphorus contains 4% of the RDA and there is magnesium (3% RDA) in peppers. There are more minerals in this brightly colored vegetable, but they all have lower percentages than 3%.

Phytonutrients in peppers

There are more than 30 phytonutrients in a pepper. These are substances that the body needs to:

  • eliminate free radicals,
  • strengthen the immune system,
  • regulate digestion and
  • convert nutrients into specific cells that make up the body.

Capsicum is a well-known phytonutrient in hot red pepper, the spicy cousin of the pepper. Capsicum is also found in bell peppers, albeit in smaller quantities. A Spanish scientific study has conducted a study into the presence of 6 important phytonutrients in food: alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin. The vegetable that contained these super-healthy substances the most is the tomato, closely followed by the pepper.Source: Genmewcaugsa, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0)

Medicinal activities of pepper

The phytonutrients present in the pepper have the effect of significantly reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Lutein and zeaxanthin have been scientifically proven to combat age-related eye cataracts. Furthermore, the phytonutrients counteract free radicals in the body. These can potentially cause damage to cells and DNA, which can ultimately lead to tumor formation. Peppers are one of the vegetables that reduce the risk of developing all types of cancer.

Paprika against obesity

Peppers have few calories, between 25 and 50, depending on the size. Naturally, it contains very little fat. However, it contains a lot of fiber and nutrients, which satisfies food cravings. If you think you are overweight, eating peppers is a great idea. You can use them in almost any salad. They are great for baking and even a sweet red pepper can satisfy your craving for sweets in a healthy way.

Amino acid and enzymes in peppers

Peppers contain the amino acid cysteine, although not in large numbers, but they do contain many enzymes that are related to this amino acid. In the body, sulfur metabolism is an essential part of the body. The cysteine enzymes play an important role in this and scientists expect that over time there will be evidence that these enzymes have cancer-fighting properties. Research into stomach cancer and esophageal cancer has already laid the foundation for this discovery.Cook heats a pepper to make it easy to peel. / Source: US Navy photo – Joseph M. Buliavac, Wikimedia Commons (Public domain)

Nutrients and heating

By heating peppers, some nutrients will disappear. That makes sense and applies to almost every vegetable. Bell peppers are great to eat raw. It’s fresh and crunchy. Fried peppers aren’t nearly as tasty anymore. What is tasty are grilled peppers. A study done in Turkey, where grilled vegetables are very popular, showed that after grilling peppers for 8 minutes at 150 degrees Celsius, there is 40% less luteolin in the pepper, an important phytonutrient.

Eating tips peppers

In France it is sometimes difficult to eat vegetarian, but every French chef can make a fantastic crudité or crispy vegetable salad. The pepper is an excellent part of this, in addition to carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, tomato, cucumber, beets, red onion and artichokes. By grilling you can peel peppers, which makes them taste even more refined. Bell pepper is an excellent snack vegetable. Cut a pepper into pieces and put it on the table to have something to nibble on. The pepper is an excellent vegetable in stir-fry dishes. Since it can be eaten raw, you don’t have to fry it for a long time.The pepper belongs to the n eightshades and there are people who cannot tolerate this plant family. So peppers are not good for everyone.

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  • The healing power of cherry tomatoes
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