Fruit and vegetables from the region are usually fresh and healthy

Many fruits and vegetables do not come from the region, but from distant countries. They are flown in or transported by road from various countries by trucks. However, that does not do the fruit and vegetables any good. Not only can the nutritional value of the products decrease due to the lugging, but the distances traveled also influence the price. After all, transportation also has to be paid for. This means that the products from the region are not only fresher, but can also often be found cheaper on the market or in the supermarket. However, for some products, such as bananas and oranges, transport is necessary because they cannot easily be grown in the Netherlands.

In other countries, fruit and vegetables do not always receive the best treatment

Fruit and vegetables from distant countries have often had a long journey and have passed through many hands. We do not always know how those products have been treated there. We also do not always know whether a lot or little pesticides have been used and whether there are still residues on or in the products.

The influence of winter

Especially in winter, quite a bit of fruit and vegetables come from Egypt, Turkey, Morocco and even further afield. In winter, Dutch fruit, such as Dutch apples, usually comes from cold stores. This is then supplemented with fruit from countries that are closer to the equator and do not experience frost periods. The Dutch government has rules for pesticides and the maximum permitted amount. She checks for that too. If there are many pesticide residues on the fresh produce, they are stopped at the border, but not all defects and toxins are always discovered in time.

Fruit and vegetables from distant countries are usually also more expensive

That’s no wonder. After all, freight transport also has to be paid for. Not only does petrol cost enough money, but the maintenance costs of a truck and the salary of the truck driver and any co-driver also push up the price per product.

Regional fruit and vegetables often cost less and are usually fresh and healthy

Anyone who cares about their own wallet would do well to buy products that come from their own environment. However, that is not always possible in winter. We get most of our vitamins from oranges, lemons, kiwis, grapefruit, bananas and mandarins.

Supermarkets must indicate the origin of their fresh products

At supermarkets, the origin of the fresh products is usually indicated. If it has been forgotten, please feel free to ask. Compare the prices of various vegetables and fruits yourself. For the same weight, there is often more than a euro difference per supermarket. It’s worth comparing them.

The farm shop often has more fruit and vegetables from their own region

Several farms have their own farm shop. They can offer their own products directly to the customer there and earn more than if they take them to the auction. However, not all products in the farm shop are from our own cultivation.

The farm shop often supplements the range

To offer their customers a complete range, the arsenal is often supplemented with purchased products. Sometimes from the auction, but sometimes also from other farms in the area. Feel free to ask in the farm shop about the origin of the products. You will usually get satisfactory answers there.

Organic fruits and vegetables

Organic fruits and vegetables are grown without pesticides. Harmful creatures are controlled using parasitic wasps and ladybugs and similar nature-friendly options. If you really want to eat healthy, it is better to eat organically grown fruit and vegetables from your own region. These products have also traveled a short distance and usually arrive fresher on your table.

Looking at brochures

Many people have a yes/no sticker on their door. Of course: it saves paper and that is good for the environment, but if no more leaflets arrive, you can no longer see the direct difference in price between the products per supermarket. Fresh products in particular vary in price from week to week, and even often from day to day. There are also regular offers of combinations of vegetables or fruit, which require careful consideration, because not every offer is a real offer.

Grow your own healthy vegetables without pesticides

There is a new hype for growing your own fruit and vegetables. There are already city projects where, with the knowledge and cooperation of the municipality, entire neighborhoods are setting up a garden on land that has long been fallow. Fruit and vegetables are grown together for our own use under the supervision of someone who has knowledge of it.

Grow in containers with square compartments

For individual use, there are also square containers that are filled with soil and divided into squares and can be used as a growing container for various vegetables. These boxes are often no larger than a meter square and each box can be used to grow some lettuce, beans, radishes, tomatoes, celery, etc.

Grow fruit and vegetables on your balcony

You can even grow vegetables on a sunny balcony. Such a container is easy to make yourself from some wooden planks. Ensure good, guided drainage. Divide the container into compartments with planks. Fill with soil and sow some lettuce, some radish, etc. in each section in the spring. Be careful not to sow too much in one square, because then the plants will have no place to grow. Sow only a few lettuce seeds per week in a container, so that not all the lettuce has to be harvested at the same time. However, do not forget to water on time

Home grown is the healthiest and good for the environment

Anyone who has a piece of land and grows some different types of vegetables for their own use, plants some strawberry plants, plants different types of berry bushes and, for example, lets a grape vine and/or blackberry climb up the wall, can eat as fresh as possible during the summer.

Products that are unsprayed and healthy

Completely unsprayed and as healthy as any supermarket can offer. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to do this, although you can also grow a grape bush on a balcony, as long as it has a good rack to climb on and good soil in a spacious container.

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