How can you prevent cancer?

The majority of all cancers can be prevented by a good lifestyle, but often the damage has already been done. After healing, you will have to adopt an adapted lifestyle to prevent recurrence. Prevention is always better than cure, so it is time for you to look at your own lifestyle. If you smoke a lot and drink beer and greasy food every day, you already have an increased risk of developing cancer. So what can you do specifically to prevent cancer and what foods can you and cannot eat to live a healthier life?

Prevent cancer

  • Your weight
  • Losing weight is always healthy
  • The flavonoid cure
  • Alcohol and smoking
  • Meat, chicken and fish
  • Canned food and wave meals
  • Vegetables, fruits, fiber and cancer prevention


Your weight

Because thirty to forty percent of all cancer can be prevented by eating healthy food, we will discuss weight. Divide your weight in kilos by your weight in meters times your weight in meters [kilo/(meter*meter)]. This value represents the body mass index value of your body and is an indicator of how much fat there is in your body. You must comply with the following:

  • less than 18.5 then you have an unhealthy amount of fat in the body. It is true that the extremely short person will be close to 18.5;
  • a healthy rating is on average between 18.5 and 25. But this also depends on your body size;
  • more than 25 then you already have too much weight hanging on your body.

However, you should not follow these values too closely because shorter people have a low BMI range and taller people have a high BMI range.

Losing weight is always healthy

Many deadly diseases can be prevented by losing weight. The fact is that if you lose weight, the proportion of HDL in the body increases relatively, which is beneficial. HDL transports fat in the body and can remove fat from tissue. Losing weight therefore means that fat deposited on vessel walls is removed, but also that other fats are removed. Overall health increases because body-positive substances are active in the body. This has a positive effect on all organs of the body. This way you can prevent cancer or reduce the risk of it. Purify the body of unwanted substances by losing weight. You can lose weight effectively by, among other things, consuming a healthy carbohydrate diet.

The flavonoid cure

Although flavonoids are believed to be broken down by the liver and kidneys, a higher concentration of this substance does not do any harm. Flavonoids have a so-called anti-cancer effect. It is therefore good to take for those who have already been diagnosed with it, but is also suitable for those who want to eat preventatively. This substance is mainly found in:

  • fruits, seeds, nuts;
  • blueberries and grapes: these have a high concentrate;
  • flowers, fruits, berries, vegetables and cocoa: a lower concentrate;
  • and plant-made tea and wine. Rooibos tea is especially recommended because of its soothing effect, as the body does not receive theine. In addition, nettle tea receives a lot of attention due to its body-cleansing character in combination with its anti-cancer effect. A glass of wine a day doesn’t do any harm either.


Alcohol and smoking

We all know that smoking is a serious health threat. It can cause lung cancer, but also cardiovascular disease. Stop it before it’s too late! Alcohol abuse is also disastrous for the body, such as liver and esophageal cancer. The advice for alcohol is to limit it to no more than two glasses per day. Alcohol also has beneficial effects on the body. Slightly thinner blood flows more easily, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, alcohol stimulates the liver, which increases the share of HDL in the body.

Meat, chicken and fish

There is nothing wrong with eating meat, but you have to pay attention to what meat you eat. Some cuts of meat such as loin, steak, shoulder chop and bacon are delicious, but are packed with saturated fats. You should always avoid those fats, especially if it is grilled or burnt. If you want to eat pork or beef, only take the lean meat. So this is:

  • a steak, roast beef, beef steak, sirloin steak, tartare, roast beef;
  • ham steak, pork fricandeau, tenderloin, fillet, liver for vitamin A;
  • skinless chicken breast, preferably boiled;
  • a meat substitute made from tofu;
  • eat fish that’s always good. Fish is packed with unsaturated fats (omega-3) and that stimulates many body processes in a good and healthy way.

An additional important piece of advice is that you limit the size of the piece of meat to 100 grams. This is more than enough for any body.

Canned food and wave meals

You should avoid canned foods and microwaveable meals. The concentrate of salt in these products is unusually high, causing the body to consume too much salt. The kidneys have to work extra hard to remove those salts. Salt can have an additional detrimental effect on the kidneys and can also contribute to kidney cancer. Eat home-prepared meals, using wholesome ingredients.

Vegetables, fruits, fiber and cancer prevention

It is always good to consume enough fruits and vegetables. These are packed with good vitamins, which can also be attributed to an anti-cancer effect. Make sure you consume healthy carbohydrates. These are carbohydrates with a low glycemia value. These release a gradual amount of glucose to the body, making the body more continuously saturated. This means that the feeling of hunger lasts longer and less food needs to be consumed. This is obviously healthy for many aspects of the body. How do you eat more fruit instead of other snacks?:

  • combine the dessert consisting of yoghurt or cottage cheese with fruit;
  • make sure there is enough fruit at home and take fruit with you to work;
  • make your own fruit juice in a blender as a substitute for lemonades and soft drinks;
  • eat vegetarian food a few times a week. This can also be done with a meat substitute in combination with beans and rice;
  • use tomato, cucumber, cheese and carrots as a topping for your bread.


read more

  • Avoiding cancer by eating spinach: impact of chlorophyll
  • Grape seed extract: fight cancer and the effects of aging!
  • What is the chance of death with different cancer types?
  • Life expectancy after cancer treatment
  • Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), life-threatening blood cancer

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