The healing power of St John’s wort

St John’s wort works better than Seroxat, Zoloft and Prozac. These are antidepression medications with serious side effects. This has become apparent after dozens of scientific studies. St John’s wort has very few side effects. It is known that the skin can itch if it is exposed to full sun during a treatment with this yellow-flowered herb. You shouldn’t take too much of it. 6 grams of dried St John’s wort flowers per day is actually on the high side. NB! This article is written from the personal view of the author and may contain information that is not scientifically substantiated and/or in line with the general view.


  • Natural Prozac
  • It works less after heavy medication
  • Side effects of St John’s wort
  • Naming
  • St John’s wort tea
  • Be careful with medication use
  • What should you not do during a treatment?
  • Avoid artificial amino acids


Natural Prozac

St John’s wort is a herbal medicine for depression and is called natural Prozac . That’s actually an understatement. This herb is much better than Prozac because it cures depression without side effects. This fact has been known to herbalists for hundreds of years and has recently been confirmed by science. St John’s wort is available in tea form. You can buy a box of tea bags with St John’s wort at an ecological store. You can pick St. John’s wort flowers in nature or in your backyard and dry them to make tea later.

It works less after heavy medication

St John’s wort works slightly less well against depression in people who have been taking heavy medications such as Seoxat and Prozac for years. These medications are responsible for the death of brain cells, causing the brain to no longer function optimally. That is why these people benefit less or less from St John’s wort. If only one treatment has been completed with a strong antidepressant, there is a good chance that St John’s wort will work as an effective remedy. There is also a supplement with St John’s wort for sale. To neutralize the negative effects of medicines, you can use food that is good for the brain, or concentrates for thinking skills.

Side effects of St John’s wort

Research on more than 17,000 patients has shown that St. John’s wort is a safe herb. Only a few minor side effects were reported in 17 clinical studies. These disappear as soon as the treatment is stopped. These potential side effects are: itching in combination with sunbathing, mild stomach and intestinal complaints, nausea, restlessness, fatigue and headache. None of these are serious complaints and you can choose to reduce the dose slightly if you have complaints that appear in this list. These side effects pale in comparison to the many serious side effects of Seroxat and Prozac. These medications even have increased depression and suicidal tendencies as a side effect. In addition, these drugs change the structure of the brain and take years to recover, leaving the risk of relapse into depression high if the drug is no longer taken.


The Latin name for this positive plant is hypericum. That means ‘placing something above a picture’ which is a figurative term for keeping the devil out. St John’s wort begins to bloom around June 24. That is the date of the name day St John. That is why this medicinal herb with yellow flowers is called St John’s wort. The plant grows well in the Netherlands. It looks cheerful in any garden because it has many nice yellow flowers. It is a perennial plant.

St John’s wort tea

If you use St John’s wort to prevent depression, you can choose to drink tea. After 2 to 3 weeks of St John’s wort treatment, the first positive results are noticeable. Three to four cups of tea for 6 weeks gives a significant result; the patient suffers less from depression. Of course, depression is a broad phenomenon. By taking St John’s wort you are more likely to do things and eat well. Poor diet and sitting indoors can contribute to depression.

Be careful with medication use

If you want to start a course of St John’s wort and you are not taking any medications, there is nothing to worry about and you can safely go ahead. If you do use medication, it is advisable to consult a doctor or herbal therapist. The herbal therapist probably knows better than the GP which medicines become less effective in combination with St John’s wort. This herb has the side effect that it breaks down some medications faster, thus negating the effectiveness of those medications.

What should you not do during a treatment?

However, there are a few circumstances where you need to be careful with St John’s wort, just like with any medicine. For example, you should not take anti-flu or anti-cold medications during a treatment with St. John’s wort. Then it doesn’t help anymore. You should also avoid alcohol and narcotics during a treatment. Then the positive effect of St John’s wort is undermined.

Avoid artificial amino acids

You should not take phenylalanine supplements in combination with St John’s wort. According to many scientists, this is a bad supplement anyway because it is an artificial amino acid that can penetrate the brain-blood barrier if you take too much. For this reason, it is not good to take diet products that contain aspartame. Aspartame is a chemical synthetic compound that breaks down into three substances when it enters the liver. One of these is phenylalanine. Tyrosine is also an artificial amino acid that you can buy supplements from. If you want to cure depression, the use of artificial tyrosine is not recommended. Like phenylalanine, tyrosine is an amino acid that is widely found in all kinds of natural foods. That is why it is unnecessary to take these synthetic supplements in any case; it is only good for the supplement manufacturer’s wallet.

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