Dandelion tea against rheumatism and other conditions!

Having too high a concentration of uric acid in the body can cause rheumatic diseases. The good effect of the dandelion is found in the root, so you can also make good use of this ubiquitous spring flower yourself. As soon as spring or summer arrives, dandelions will spring up everywhere again and then you have to seize your chance. If you suffer from rheumatism or another condition, you can do something about it. Harvest the root and you can take a course of dandelion tea twice a year to revive yourself.

Dandelion tea

  • Primary relief for rheumatism
  • Preparation of the dandelion root
  • Making the tea
  • Effects of dandelion tea
  • What makes it work?
  • Who is it suitable for?
  • What else is it good for?


Primary relief for rheumatism

One to two percent of the population suffers from joint pain due to rheumatism to a lesser or greater extent. This means that the tendons and bursae are regularly inflamed, causing the joints to be constantly painful. The main cause of these cramps and inflammation is too high a concentration of uric acid. Rheumatism is colloquially a collective name for

  • many conditions such as:
  • rheumatic arthritis and osteoarthritis;
  • gout and fimbromyalgia;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • and many more.

Following a biannual dandelion cure can provide a lot of relief for people with rheumatic diseases.

Preparation of the dandelion root

In order to preserve the good effect of the dandelion for a long time, the root must be converted into a tea base. As soon as the dandelions are in full growth, go out with a basket. If you see a dandelion among the grass, you can harvest the dandelion root. Because the root of the dandelion can grow up to thirty centimeters, it is necessary to stick out the dandelion or dig it out with a garden trowel. Once you have collected this, you can start preparing the dried dandelion tea:

  • Clean the carrot thoroughly and remove the smallest stems. The highest concentration of positive effects of the dandelion root is in its large diameter;
  • cut the carrot diagonally to get elongated slices that are as thin as possible;
  • Once sufficiently cut, let the carrot slices dry out in the scorching sun for a long time;
  • Once the carrot slices are sufficiently dry and slightly brown, the carrot tea can be stored in a dry place.


Making the tea

To make dandelion tea, you use a water kettle just like with regular tea. Place a reasonable scoop of dried dandelion root in the preserving jar or teapot and add half a pot of boiled water. Let this steep for five to ten minutes on a warming plate, so that the hot water properly absorbs the positive effect of the dandelion root. Then pour the tea by filtering it into cups. This way you can enjoy a delicious cup of tea and work on your health. As an alternative, you can also buy already prepared dandelion tea at the health food store.

Effects of dandelion tea

Once drunk, dandelion tea has a number of effects. The dandelion extract causes the body to warm up, causing sweat. The blood is purified and water is removed through sweat and urine. Uric acid, which is partly the cause and supporter of rheumatism, is also removed with the water and that works well to reduce the effects of rheumatism.

What makes it work?

The dandelion concentrate contains a number of substances such as:

  • bitter substances and vitamins;
  • enzymes, saponin and tannin;
  • choline, inulin, protein substances and oils.

The active substances ensure that both the kidneys and liver are activated, which greatly increases blood flow to connective tissue. Both the kidneys and the liver are the purifiers of the body and blood. This means that dandelion extract ensures that many harmful elements in the body can be removed, including uric acid.

Who is it suitable for?

Anyone who wants to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins in the body can make good use of dandelion tea. It is often extremely suitable for the weakened person. Think of having the flu, serious illness and specifically rheumatic diseases. Please note that its use in children should be minimized, as children may have a negative physical reaction to it. Normally, a dandelion cure is done in the spring and autumn and lasts a month to a month and a half. Afterwards, the body is completely cleansed of toxins and you feel at your best again. Drink a cup of tea twice a day and many complaints can disappear.

What else is it good for?

In addition to rheumatic conditions, taking dandelion concentrate is also good for the following conditions:

  • rheumatism and gout: the number of pain cases and severity of the pain decreases (thyme, birch, nettle, black currant, lavender can also have a positive effect);
  • metabolic problems such as those that occur with thyroid problems;
  • Gallstones: The formation of gallstones in the body is a continuous process. Dandelion tea influences its formation. Existing stones do not grow and new stones are not formed;
  • kidney stones: due to the increasing removal of fluid and waste products, the risk of kidney stones decreases;
  • problems with the eyes such as diplopia, tired and strained eyes;
  • fat accumulation: the storage of fats occurs more gradually over the body, preventing local fat clusters.


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