Eyes: symptoms that may indicate an eye disease

Your eyes can tell a lot not only about your personality, but also about the state of your health. An ophthalmologist can quickly deduce things from an eye examination. By just looking at your eyes, a doctor can sometimes find out whether there is a disease or condition in your body. Although eye drops can temporarily relieve symptoms, it is useful to seek additional medical advice if complaints persist. What can eyes that are itchy, watery, swollen, or bloodshot say about your health? Are you dealing with an eye disease or are the symptoms rather harmless and passing? When answering these questions, it is useful to know which symptoms in your eyes can indicate an eye problem or other condition.

Symptoms of eye disease

Many people consider the eyes to be the most beautiful part of the human body. They sometimes say a lot about your personality, but they can also be very mysterious. Not only can you deduce character traits from the eyes , but also health traits. A doctor can find out a lot of things about your eyes through an examination of the retina, and this can include relatively harmless conditions or more serious eye diseases. Eyes say a lot more about your health than you might think at first glance. Which symptoms are possible conditions, and what is their treatment?

Dry eyes

If you often suffer from dry eyes and are also hypersensitive to light, you may have Sjögren’s syndrome . This is a disease of the immune system in which the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth produce too little moisture. This condition is common in women over 40 years of age with an autoimmune system disease. Eye drops for dry eyes can provide relief from the symptoms.

Blurry vision

Eyes with blurred vision may be due to cataracts , a disease that affects the lens of the eye. This disease mainly occurs in seniors, but can also affect younger people. In that case, the cause is often diabetes, medication use or the presence of a tumor.

Itchy eye

An eye is a very sensitive organ and also very receptive to environmental factors. If the eye starts to itch very much, this is usually an allergic reaction. The most common allergies are sensitivity to pollen (hay fever), allergy to house dust mites and allergy to pet fur. Applying eye drops to the eyes can help relieve the itching.

Swollen and painful eyes

If your eyes feel swollen, it could be an allergy or a lack of sleep. A chronic sleep problem can lead to swollen, low-hanging eyelids and a kind of stinging sensation in the eyes. This last stinging sensation is also described by some people as the feeling of having “sand in the eyes” . Even if you feel pain behind the eye, this is usually related to a lack of sleep. The best remedy for this is to ensure sufficient sleep that is also of good quality.

Tearing eyes

If your eyes produce quite a lot of tears, in some cases it could be an infection . The presence of bacteria in the eye can cause fluid to be produced. It is advisable to ask your doctor for advice, who can possibly prescribe a bactericidal agent.

Bloodshot eyes

Eyes that are bloodshot are caused by burst blood vessels. This may be the result of high blood pressure . We often see the same phenomenon in chronic alcoholism.

Treatment of eye problems

Eye test

If you suffer from these symptoms in your eyes in the long term, further medical advice is recommended. To avoid developing eye disorders or other diseases without realizing it, it is recommended to have regular eye tests. After a thorough examination, your ophthalmologist will be able to tell you a lot about your eye and possible problems with it.

Eye drops

To combat the symptoms described above, eye drops may provide relief. There are different types of eye drops available to address specific problems, such as:

  • refreshing, moisturizing eye drops (against dry eyes)
  • anti-allergy eye drops (against itchy eyes)
  • soothing eye drops (against watery eyes)
  • eye drops “computer eyes” (against tired eyes due to work on the computer)


Supplements for the eyes

Another option to protect your eyes against problems such as fatigue, itching or dryness is to take supplements. Some supplements are aimed at a better moisture balance for the eyes and also ensure sharp vision.Some examples of such supplements that protect the eyes:

  • Swisse multivitamins Eyes
  • Lucovital Sharp Eyes
  • Orthica Eye Protect


read more

  • Mouches volantes (floaters): spots or threads in your eyes
  • Cataract eye disease: symptoms, causes & treatment
  • Do your eyes get tired quickly? Tips against heavy, tired eyes
  • Watery eyes: symptoms, causes & treatment of tearing eye
  • Dry eyes: causes, treatment, tips & eye drops

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