Learning and concentration in ADD, ADHD and Autism: Adults

There is a lot of information available about the developmental or attention disorder ADHD and autism. This often concerns information for young children and young people. However, these syndromes do not miraculously disappear at a certain age. Many adults with ADD/ADHD can use study tips and training. How to study with ADD? and what is mind mapping? Read it in this article. Format of this article:

  • Adults with ADD or ADHD
  • Daytime tips for adults with ADD or ADHD
  • Tips for ending the day for adults with ADD or ADHD
  • Other tips for adults with ADHD
  • Study tip: working with deadlines
  • Study tip: optimize the working environment
  • What is mind mapping: the use of mind maps by adults with ADD or ADHD


Adults with ADD or ADHD

Characteristic of adults with ADHD is that hyperactive (overt) behavior often decreases. This means that the visible unrest decreases, but it does not immediately mean that invisible unrest also disappears with age. Concentrating often does not become easier for adults, which can often result in ‘procrastination’ or procrastination.A possible tip is to do a mental warm-up every day. Start the day in an organized manner and provide conditions that always help you be productive:

  • Make your to-do list or view a previously made plan for the day.
  • Keep an eye on long-term goals and progress.
  • Work first on priorities and issues that need immediate attention.


Daytime tips for adults with ADD or ADHD

Furthermore, take regular breaks during the day. Most people can concentrate intensively for 45 minutes. People with the above disorders may not do this for as long, the most important thing is that they take breaks to refresh and organize what they have learned. However, a break does not immediately mean a snack: quick sugars and/or salty snacks do not exactly have a long-lasting and positive effect on concentration and energy. A walk, bike ride or exercise is often very refreshing and gives new energy. This works very well in combination with a healthy snack or (dried) fruit. Make the break a moment of individual information processing and relaxation. Spend the rest period wisely! Also use sticky notes, reminders (on a phone with an alarm, for example) or notes for yourself during the day.

Tips for ending the day for adults with ADD or ADHD

How do you end the day? In case of wandering/troubled thoughts, it is wise to perform meditation exercises. There is a lot to be found on the internet about relaxation techniques and, for example, mindfulness exercises. You can also find a lot of instructional material and examples on YouTube. Troubled thoughts and unnecessary tensions can disappear, which provides relaxation. For some people, reading also helps before going to sleep. Writing down thoughts, goals or other things also helps very well (a small notepad is often used). You can then include this information in the next day’s to-do list. Stimulating activities such as watching TV, playing computer games or using bright screens close to your eyes are not recommended before sleeping.

Other tips for adults with ADHD

Look for challenges! With a realistic mindset (not everything can be successful, it is okay if something fails once in a while) this can be very stimulating. You often manage to do certain things well and these positive experiences help you gain more self-confidence. Being too perfectionistic can actually be counterproductive and slow down the process.

Study tip: working with deadlines

Create deadlines: when do you want to be done with a task or when do you want to have achieved a goal? Divide these tasks: a big job is often easy to divide into small steps that ultimately achieve the same goal. This way you make the task clear and organized. The image of an almost unattainable goal or difficult task can have a hindering effect, so divide it up! Make sure you focus on priorities first (the most important things first), postponement often leads to adjustment.

Study tip: optimize the working environment

Optimize your working environment in such a way that you can work effectively without much distraction. If this space deviates a bit from normal, this is not a problem at all. Everyone has an optimal workplace, so find out what works best and how you can study effectively. It varies per individual whether they can work well with music or background noise, for example. In addition, there are of course many different forms of music, but it is known that certain sound waves (alpha/beta/gamma waves) and even music styles such as baroque music can have a stimulating effect. There are many examples of this on YouTube. Are you curious about a quick way to find playlists on YouTube so that you don’t have to keep clicking on a new song? then take a look at this article.

Study tip: Using a notepad with ADHD

Keep a notepad handy. This way you can write down a thought that crosses your mind at any time. That way you can pay attention to it later if it is not necessary while studying.

Awareness with ADHD

Be aware of sudden excitement or distractions. Notice how your body reacts to this and how your thoughts can wander. Maybe it’s time for a break or a moment of relaxation. It can also be helpful to write down the thought that arises.

The usefulness of sports for adults with ADD or ADHD

Exercise helps with many psychological conditions and also with many developmental disorders such as ADHD. It can help release aggression, adrenaline and excess energy in a positive way. It is good for your state of mind by releasing neurotransmitters such as endorphins: these can give a happy feeling during and/or after exercise. It relaxes and calms your body and, in addition to all other health reasons, is often only good for people. Find the sport or exercise that suits you and that you are motivated to continue for a long time. You can often try out many different sports at sports institutions or fitness centers. Exercise is also mentioned in my article about the best 5 relaxation tips to relax now.

Humor and ADHD

Applying humor and being able to laugh at situations is very important and relieving. Look at your symptoms or possible deficiencies in a positive way and use humor to deal with them lightly. What may bother you is often relative and people often appreciate you more if you can deal with it in a pleasant way.

Friends and ADHD

Find your friends. This is what quality is all about: make sure you have people around you who support you in all possible situations. You can learn from others and they often benefit from the knowledge and help you can offer them. Maintain these contacts well: they are often for life!

What is mind mapping: the use of mind maps by adults with ADD or ADHD

A commonly used technique to organize thoughts, prepare presentations or create extracts in a creative way is mind mapping. It is also highly recommended for people with ADHD and autism.

read more

  • Learning and concentration in ADHD and Autism: General tips
  • Learning and concentration in ADHD, ADD and Autism: Teacher/coach
  • 5 relaxation tips to relax now!

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