Detect chlamydia to prevent health problems

Chlamydia is an STD (sexually transmitted disease) caused by a bacterium. The condition is common among young people who underestimate the importance of safe sex. This bacterium is easy to treat if one is tested in time. Early detection is of utmost importance to prevent later health problems such as infertility. You can have yourself tested by your GP or the GGD.

  • Chlamydia is the most common STD in 2020
  • Chlamydia is a bacteria or condition that causes symptoms
  • Most common complaints
  • Detecting the bacteria
  • Population survey to detect chlamydia
  • The consequences of an infection with chlamydia
  • If you have any complaints, please go to your GP or GGD
  • How does a test proceed?
  • Possibilities to test yourself
  • Task of RIVM


Chlamydia is the most common STD in 2020

Chlamydia is an STD or a sexually transmitted disease that mainly occurs as a result of unsafe sex. It is an infection caused by bacteria and the most common STD. About 60,000 people are affected by this condition every year. The condition does not always cause complaints and this makes it treacherous. You can walk around for years without complaints even though you are infected with the bacteria. According to government information, chlamydia is the most common STD in 2020.

Chlamydia is a bacteria or condition that causes symptoms

The condition mainly occurs in people between the ages of 15 and 35. It is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia Trachomatis . When using a condom, the risk of infection is much lower than with unsafe sex. Young people often underestimate the risks of this bacteria.

Most common complaints

The most common complaints in women are:

  • Pain or burning sensation when urinating
  • More or different discharge than normal
  • Intermittent bleeding
  • Pain or blood loss during sex.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Pain in the upper right side of the abdomen

In men the complaints are:

  • Pain or burning sensation when urinating
  • Discharge from the penis
  • Pain in the scrotum


Detecting the bacteria

Because the seriousness of the bacteria is often underestimated, it would be in the interest of young people to test regularly. Most young people do not see the importance of it. This STI is only considered when symptoms occur. It is therefore very important that young people are aware of the dangers of this STD and the possibility and necessity of testing.

Population survey to detect chlamydia

In the past, the government has tried to gain more insight into chlamydia infection through population research among young people. However, it turned out that after some time participation in a population survey became too low to make policy to prevent infection possible. However, there are regular information campaigns to alert young people to the danger.

The consequences of an infection with chlamydia

The condition can actually be treated well with antibiotics if it can be detected in time. But if this is not the case and the infection remains unnoticed for longer, it can cause damage. In women, uterine and fallopian tube inflammation can develop, which can lead to serious problems. In extreme cases, this can lead to infertility. In the Netherlands, approximately 1,000 women become infertile every year as a result of this infection. About 7,000 women get an infection of the fallopian tubes. The longer you continue to suffer from the condition, the more serious the consequences can be. Adhesions can also develop in the abdomen that cause complaints later in life.

If you have any complaints, please go to your GP or GGD

If there has been unsafe sexual contact or if there are any of the above complaints, you can contact your GP, GGD or an STD outpatient clinic. If laboratory research shows that there is a chlamydia infection, you can be given a course of antibiotics. Naturally, it is of the utmost importance that in that case the partner also has himself examined. If you think you have an STD, go to the doctor as soon as possible and get tested.

How does a test proceed?

A test requires a smear for women and some urine for men. Sometimes a blood test is also necessary. The urine is examined for the presence of chlamydia DNA. A blood test tests whether antibodies against the bacteria are present.

Possibilities to test yourself

There are two options for testing yourself for STDs:

  • You can buy a test and see the results immediately
  • You can buy a test where urine or a smear is sent to a laboratory.

Various drugstores sell the tests, but if you can see the results immediately, these tests are often not reliable. You can also buy a test online, but these are also only reliable if you receive the results from a laboratory. You will receive these results a few days later.

Task of RIVM

The RIVM collects and interprets information from various sources in the Netherlands regarding chlamydia and other STDs. They receive (anonymously) data from the GGD and GP registration. From this data it can be deduced how often the infection occurs.

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