Blood in the urine: causes & treatment of blood pee

It is a very unpleasant and disturbing feeling when you suddenly notice that there is blood in your pee. Blood pooling can have various causes, the severity of which can vary greatly. Usually, blood loss in the urine is related to an infection in the urinary tract, such as cystitis. Furthermore, prostate disorders and kidney stones are also common causes of blood pooling. In severe cases, cancer is the cause of blood loss in the urine. The phenomenon of blood pooling will be treated medically depending on the precise cause, such as antibiotics for a bladder infection. Medication specifically targeted at prostate conditions may also be necessary to treat prostate problems that led to the blood loss. In general, nutritional supplements for the urinary tract can help prevent long-term problems. What are the causes of blood pooling and what is its possible treatment?

Blood in the urine

If you notice that you have blood loss when urinating, you can be very alarmed. The first thing you need to be clear about is whether the red urine is related to what you ate or drank. Because foods such as beetroot, berries, rhubarb and dyes can also cause a red discoloration of the urine . The same applies to some medicines. As a medical symptom, blood urination should be taken seriously, as there can also be serious causes at the root of this problem.

Urinalysis blood pooling

The occurrence of blood in the urine is also called hematuria . Hematuria is discovered by yourself or by the doctor, who determines that red blood cells are present after a urine test. Sometimes the presence of blood in the urine can only be determined through microscopic examination. Depending on the amount of blood and the acidity, your urine may turn brownish, pink or reddish . A lot of blood in the urine does not necessarily mean that the underlying problem is more serious, but it is possible.

Causes of blood pooling

In most cases, blood urination is related to a urinary tract problem. The kidneys and ureters form the higher urinary tract, and the bladder and urethra form the lower urinary tract. A problem (e.g. damage, infection) can occur in the entire process of urine production and drainage, causing bleeding.


The kidneys belong to the higher urinary tract and are responsible for the breakdown of waste products in the body. Kidney problems that can lead to blood pooling include kidney stones, kidney cancer or kidney disease. When a kidney stone moves from the kidneys to the urethra, bleeding may occur, causing the urine to look red.


The bladder belongs to the lower urinary tract and is a kind of reservoir for urine, which over time is further drained through the urethra. Bladder disorders that may be related to blood urination include bladder infections and bladder cancer.


The prostate is a gland that plays a crucial role in reproduction in men. An enlargement of the prostate or prostate bleeding are possible causes of the appearance of blood in the urine. In serious cases it may be prostate cancer.

Symptoms of blood pooling

In addition to the blood loss itself, other symptoms may also accompany the underlying problem. It is up to the doctor to make the correct diagnosis based on interpreting those symptoms. If the GP cannot reach a diagnosis, further investigation is necessary. This can be done through an audience survey .Possible additional symptoms of blood loss in the urine include:

  • fever
  • shiver
  • to sweat
  • backache
  • pain in the loins
  • nausea


Treatment of blood pools

The most immediate treatment for blood in the urine is to make the correct diagnosis, determine the cause of the problem and eliminate it. Afterwards, blood pooling may disappear. There are many possible conditions that can cause blood pooling, each of which requires specific treatment. Some examples of such conditions or diseases include:


For example, a bladder infection is treated with antibiotics, just like other urinary tract infections. The problem can be solved in this way in a relatively short period of time.

Kidney problem

If kidney stones are the cause, it is first recommended to urinate the kidney stones, no matter how painful this may be. Otherwise crushing of the kidney stones is possible.


If it concerns tumors in the urinary tract, the typical cancer treatments lie ahead, such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and possibly surgical removal.

Prostate problems

Also in the case of prostate problems, an initial attempt will be made to resolve the problem using antibiotics. Sometimes surgery may be necessary, such as for prostate cancer.

Urinary tract nutritional supplements

In the context of a more general treatment of the urinary tract, nutritional supplements that promote the functioning of the urinary tract can be considered. Examples of this are supplements that detoxify the kidneys, bladder, prostate and ureters. Cleansing and purifying the urinary tract with these supplements can be helpful in avoiding long-term problems.Some examples of such supplements:

  • Best Choice Kidney Cleanser
  • Lucovitaal Prostate and Bladder
  • Jacob Hooy Bladder and Kidney


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  • Pain during urination in men: causes, treatment, tips
  • Bladder infection: causes, risk factors & treatment
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  • Prostate: symptoms & treatment of prostate problems
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