Tips to cure colds and flu

If the weather is bad, you are extra sensitive to viruses and unwanted influences! It is raining, storming and therefore cold, which can make you feel uncomfortable and your resistance is not optimal. You can easily catch a cold and you can also become flu-like. You are snotty, coughing and have a headache. The first symptoms of a flu have announced themselves. What can you do to help the body recover more quickly from a cold or flu?

Tips for treating colds and flu

  • Symptoms of colds and flu
  • What can you use?
  • What to do if you are not sick?


Symptoms of colds and flu

If you have caught a cold due to the bad weather, you may have the following symptoms:

  • coughing that may release a lot of fluid;
  • sniffling and spluttering;
  • irritated eyes to red eyes;
  • a runny nose to a stuck nose;
  • stuck sinus.

If the cold worsens and becomes the flu, it is a respiratory infection. If you are infected, it can take up to a week before the flu becomes active. Until then, previous symptoms may occur. The symptoms of flu are:

  • a rising fever of 39 degrees or more;
  • throat and headache where the head is pounding, as it were;
  • having chills and general muscle pain over the body;
  • loss of appetite and vomiting;
  • fatigue and weakness in the body. After the flu has disappeared, fatigue can persist for some time.


What can you use?

There are several remedies you can use to get rid of the cold or flu. However, there is no specific medicine to solve the problems. Regular aspirin with plenty of rest seems appropriate. Eating warm, slightly liquid food, such as chicken soup or broth, also works extremely well. What else can you do to get rid of the symptoms?

Stuck mucus

You can loosen this by steaming. To do this, you inhale steam through your nose so that it penetrates into the sinus. Put boiling water in a bowl and add chamomile and thyme. You can also use a steam tablet, which dissolves in the hot water. Cover your head and the tub with a towel and inhale the steam for a few minutes. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. In addition, place a peeled and chopped onion next to your bed while you sleep. This helps you breathe easier.

Body fluids

When you are ill, the body often produces waste products. These must be removed from the body, which requires a lot of body fluids. You also sweat a lot. So drink plenty of water and avoid dehydrating liquids such as alcohol and coffee. Also avoid milk because it creates additional mucus that may make you feel nauseous. Ginger tea with honey induces sweating and relieves infections.

Sugars and salts

If you do not feel strong and cannot keep food down, you may be able to drink a sugar and salt water solution. The sugars can be used directly by the body for energy and the salt gives you a little more strength. Do not use too much salt due to dehydration.

Light broth

Chicken or pork broth is very good for the body. You get some nutrients, which will help you feel better and the steam from the soup also helps you breathe better. Chicken broth also appears to reduce inflammation.


As soon as you feel like you are getting sick, eat raw garlic because it prevents bacteria.

Throbbing headache

Headache is caused by dilated veins in the head due to, among other things, a shortage of sugars. The body and especially the liver have to work hard to process flu and that requires a lot of sugar. This results, among other things, in acidified muscles. It is therefore good to take additional sugars to supplement the shortage.

A sore throat

Suck on a candy. The fluid ensures that the throat remains wet and the sugars ensure that the pain decreases. A special licorice is good because of the beneficial effect of glycerhizine from licorice root extract and is used against sore throat, cough, colds and stomach ulcers. Sucking on popsicles also helps.

Drink grapefruit and lemon juice

In a water solution, grapefruit and lemon juice stimulate your liver to break down toxins in the body.


Cough heavily to clear the airways of bacteria. A cough syrup can provide good results;rest: sleep a lot so that the body can fight the flu and colds so that you can recover quickly.

What to do if you are not sick?

If you are not sick, you can do everything you can to stay healthy. If the weather is inclement, go outside dressed appropriately. Don’t sit in a draft and let it keep your body warm. It is also important to keep your resistance optimal. Follow these tips:

  • eat healthy food and exercise regularly. This does not necessarily mean that you have to be active in a sport, but more walking and cycling helps a lot;
  • take enough vitamins. However, if you are not a big fan of fruits and vegetables, take vitamin and mineral pills. One pill every day and you’re done;
  • eat enough iron and magnesium as you can find in all green vegetables. These two minerals are extremely important for many body processes;
  • don’t drink too much alcohol and avoid smoking.


read more

  • Watery stools, diarrhea, stomach flu: the causes!
  • Blowing your nose, coughing, stuck mucus: what are the causes?
  • Bacterial endocarditis: flu due to infected heart valve
  • Flu, swollen throat in thyroiditis thyroiditis

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